Tank Number Two Already!


i wonder how that got there:D

Keep it up! and piccie updates ;)
Meet the gang...a prickle face lime green coral goby and a black coral goby

Tequila - so called because he's lime coloured and there's salt involved - I could call him Jose (Cuervo Gold is the best YUM YUM)

See his desperate dan chin stubble?! :cool:


he's hiding under the heater at the mo


I've just laid the moonlight leds on the glass lid at the moment as I need to work out where to fix them permanently.
I bought some red macro algae today which has added a lovely splash of colour to the tank


I have another purchase in there somewhere but they are in hiding at the moment so I won't spill the beans until I can show photographic evidence of them being there :lol:

A mini frag of the sage green zoas that's opened out nicely

Tequila and Darth are happy :D
well i know jenny loves her gobies. jen, how have you found clown gobies? green and yellow?

i had one a few years ago and i would like another two in my next tank (i want a yellow and a black or green..really i want a green :D )

i found mine hard to feed, so i resorted to feeding little and often and it worked for a while and then he got skinnier and passed away :sad:

i fed:
he ate pods
chopped mussel and prawn
brine shrimp
he would only eat, one of everything about 3 times a day. and i want to be successful this time and seeing as you love your gobies i wondered if you have any tips?
OMG its a black coral goby! what i was planning! OMG he is a stunner!!! :wub: he is SO cute! :lol: i thought that was the suprise but its from friday
:lol: you just made me laugh so hard Truck :lol: It was so funny reading your thought processes as they occurred :lol:

You're getting warm on the goby trail....not a clown goby though ;)
:lol: you just made me laugh so hard Truck :lol: It was so funny reading your thought processes as they occurred :lol:

You're getting warm on the goby trail....not a clown goby though ;)

reading that back to myself had me on the flour :lol:

you have a green clown goby in the nano dont you? how is it on the feeding side.

i wonder if its a neon goby :shifty: ...small, cute.
My green goby is a prickle face goby but I can't find out the latin name and stuff. I'm still hunting it down :lol:

Neon goby? COLD! :lol:
just seen your goby in you pics thread, he's soooooo cool :hyper:
gotta love the stubble!
The stubble is fantastic isn't it? :lol:

I didn't realise how prickle faced he was 'til I got that shot in. You can't see the prickles with the naked eye...mind you I should try looking at him with my glasses on :lol:
He likes gut loaded brine shrimp that's for sure. He's also nibbled on New Era Marine Pellets that I crumbled up :D
My miniscule baby YCG in my other tank wouldn't eat for ages. They're reknown for that, but I fed the tank a mix of brine shrimp, mysis and rotifers and he started eating again :D He was so sunken of belly I thought I was going to lose him but they all seem to like the pellets I mentioned :D He's not quite a fatty yet, but he can't get sucked up into the surface skimmer any more i am delighted to say.
More shopping and I came away with a few baby frags of other bits - one giant green button polyp frag and some brilliant orange zoas too for the tank and a turbo snail.

When I put them in and fed the tank, I was rewarded with a visitation...






and the turbo has plenty to chomp away at for some time. I only got one as the tank's small :D

R2D2 perhaps? :lol:

Not the normal standard of pics but I had to act fast as Gobi-wan and Ken-obi weren't in the mood for a set of closeups annoyingly :laugh: I'll be waiting the...I'll get them :D

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