Tank Mates For Kribs


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2009
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hello there,i currently have a pair of kribs in my 170 litre tank,my problem is the pair are very aggressive to everything in my tank,and my tank needs stocked.could any1 suggest suitable tank mates
African Butterfly Fish
African Red Eye Tetras
Yellow Tail Congo Tetras

Are a few ideas sticking to other African fish, but basically you want to avoid anything that either lives on the tank floor (eg. Corydoras spp.) or has a strong desire to stay in the lower half of the tank. When your pair breeds, they will turn "psycho" on anything that goes within about six inches of the kindergarden!
Tiger barbs are possible and even black neons act as a good dither fish.
thanks for the suggestions,i have platys in the tank too,they are fine,the problem id have with the tetras is that i also have 2 angel fish,who are quite big,the last time i put neon tetras in the tank,the angels ate them,the tetras were quite small,but i also have zebra dianos and they are ok so maybe they would be fine,any more suggestions?
The Kribensis will eat the neons, and the danios. You might not believe right now, but trust me. They will go missing. Also, Barbs are horrible tank makes for Kribensis due to the rapid, mindless and erratic swimming pattern that almost all barbs possess. The best tank mates for kribensis would probably be Lemon Tetras, I have also found that mollies do well as tank mates, but platys can be touchy.
I've kept breeding kribs with black neons with no problems, they are perfectly capable of getting out of their way quickly. Same goes for Tiger barbs, however, the tank was planted, heavily. There is also an excellent display tank in a lfs with breeding kribs and green tiger barbs and its fantasic to watch. :)
any other companion suggestions,i dont know if tetras are going to be the answer cause i have 2 big angels in my tank.
Tizer, I've seen from personal experience that it's NOT a good idea. Good for your that in your one tank, they are fine. Mark my words, one day they won't be fast enough, the krib will be in a bad mood and your neon won't be paying attention, and then it's all over. Angel's also LOVE neons.
Maybe you are thinking normal neons? Black neons grow a little larger and i've never heard of angels or kribs touching them in my life, while i do hear of normal neons getting chomped on quite often :) Im not making an argument here, just stating my own experience :)
I've heard that Black neons are culprit as well. I've only kept regular neons (a.k.a. jumbo neons) and they never stood a chance. I also had the same issue with zebra danios.
you could try congo tetra's, when i used to have my breeding pair of kribs anything in my 4 ft tank was at risk! my silver shark used to get really attacked by both of them! and the neon tetras were lunch unfortunately, but in my own experience the congo's were the only ones that did ok in with them, as they are biggish and very quick and tend to spend most of their time near the surface.

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