Tank Mates For Fire Bellied Newts


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
I know they're not good with boisterous or aggressive tank mates but I was wondering about the more peaceful end of things like white cloud mountain minnows, 'coldwater platies' (bred and acclimatised for coldwater, we sell them at work, although I want to do some research on them) and butterfly plecs.

Any ideas? The tank is a half filled 50-60 litre tank (need to go measure it again, lol).
I'm sure someone on either here or newt forum keeps white cloud mountain minnows with newts.

I don't know about plecs; I'm sure it wasn't recommeded as plecs have sharp spines on them but I don't know about butterfly plecs. Also "sucker" fish aren't recommended in case they suck on the newt.

www.caudata.org is a good site and they have lists of combatability on there.
Hi,I have 5 mountain minnows with my fire bellied newts and they get along fine,the newts are to sluggish to catch the fish,and obviously the fish do no harm to the news,I have also heard some shrimp are fine with newts although I can't imagin how
I've had my newt and shrimp mixed since last Tuesday, so 6 days.

I put 6 in; I cleaned them mid-week and found 5. There are still 5 shrimp in there; my newt does go for them occasionally but he always misses as the shrimp are too fast (I was told this on another forum). As for the missing one; there was one shrimp which wasn't doing as well as the others; whether he died naturally and was eaten or was eaten is a mystery however the other 5 are doing fine still. I plan on buying more in a few weeks when I get my bigger tank sorted out.
Might try the minnows then. What about something a little larger, like danios?

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