Tank Just Cracked, Water Everywhere


Mar 4, 2010
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Mitcham UK
Just sitting down to watch a movie, and heard a loud crack sound :unsure: , jumped up to look at tank and all looked fine :look: , no water. So sat back down watching the film in surround sound and heard trickling water, thought it was in the film, how wrong was I, went and had a look and water is gushing from around the bottom of the tank :< . its a 130 litre AquaStyle 620T.

I have never emptied a tank so fast, although I reckon about 5 litres made its way onto the laminate flooring so looks like new flooring soon as well. Oh the joys of fishkeeping, me and the wife were like a well oiled engine and emptied the tank cleared the water from the floor and got the fish settled in there temp tank all in 30 minutes.

I was using the tank as our coldwater tank and only had 2 goldfish in it, A black moor and a fantail. so glad it was only 2 fish and not the tropical tank with 22 fish in it, got the 2 goldfish in my spare 60 litre for tonight, got to get them a new tank now.
Oh this is my worst nightmare, I dread this ever happening.
Oh this is my worst nightmare, I dread this ever happening.

I always read about this happening to other people and was glad it was not me, well today it was my turn, and its frightening as you wanna get the water out asap in case the whole glass just explodes. first thing i got the 2 fishies out then use a hose (like a python system) and why that was doing its thing i also used a 5 litre bucket, wife was trying to catch the water, think she managed about 2 litres then gave up. still its all sorted now. but it was a mad rush here, just glad we was both home when it happend
so sorry to hear this, its certianly sounds like a good job you was both home! i had a 28l crack on my and that was bad enough, thats was the middle of the night, just above my head. My main concern was nabbing the 2 Bettas before they got each other and was standing in a puddle with electrics.

another reason its best to have more than 1 tank
At least you only had 130 litres. This happened to my 300 litre about 3 weeks ago!

Still not fun, glad you could save your fish!
Ahh! Shocker, i've been fortunate enough to never have my tanks crack or leak. I've had my fair share of little mishaps, hopefully I'll never have to go through your situation any time soon!

*touches wood*


*hears crack*


*runs upstairs.......*

James :good:
me too...i heard a waterfall of water splashing on my kitchen floor last night.....i thought OMG...the tank has cracked!!! :huh:

then smelt a funny smell!!! :sick: it was a rotting Honeydew melon on my side board!! turned into putrid liquid all running over my kitchen floor!!! it has taken to today to get rid of the horrid smell!!! :sick: :sick:
How common is this & why does it happen???

My house is empty most of the day so I dread this happening. :crazy:
I would be more worried about a pipe splitting or falling away from the output pipe on your filter, a lot more common than a broken tank. It will just keep pumping out until the tank empties down to your intake. Been there, done that! :D
Not sure why all of a sudden it happened. Had the tank about a a year but it was second hand when I got it, so weather it had been abused in the past and weakened. would have been worse if it was my 180 litre, I got rummynose tetras, keyholes and SAE plsu a few other and they are all quick as hell when trying to catch, at least with the 2 goldfish they are slow, that helped in getting them out quick.

has anyone purchased one of the tanks from allpondsolutions. they got one that will fit nicely in the place of the one that cracked and its only £189 delivered.
That is a truly scary situation, well done for your quick actions. I had an aqua one regency 300L tank crack on me completely out the blue and it sounded like a gunshot. I was like you and although it was from the direction of the tank, I wasn't sure what it was at first. My initial relief after inspecting the tank was short lived and followed by devastation when I seen a 6 inch curved crack in the front centre bottom. It was only oozing water but that didn't quell my panic - I also emptied the tank at lightning speed expecting it to just burst at any moment. That tank was unfixable (front and sides are all one piece on regencys) and I have no idea why it happened - but it was at least a 3rd hand tank so past treatment might have had a bearing on it's strength, who knows. Having no fish in at the time and being home when it happened was lucky I guess. Big knock to the confidence, and I now have my tanks at the back of the house where the floor is concrete instead of the living room where it's wood floorboards. Very unpleasant experience, can totally relate to you.
This is why my rio 400 is on test in my garage at the moment. I was quite confident about it but now I am cacking myself. :hyper:

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