Tank Clean-up Crew


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Bedford, UK
In addition to my recent thread on which order to set up the tank in, I am now pondering the question of the 'Clean Up Crew'.

Can anyone advise what would be best for my tank. Its 35g FOWLR (currently not set up yet). Just want a rough idea as to how many of what I should have - just for the clean up crew.

As far as Fish are concerned, I know Tangs are out of the question as the tank is too small, but I do want a couple or perc clowns. What else would be good to keep with them? I like alot of colour if thats any help....

Thanks in advance
In addition to my recent thread on which order to set up the tank in, I am now pondering the question of the 'Clean Up Crew'.

Can anyone advise what would be best for my tank. Its 35g FOWLR (currently not set up yet). Just want a rough idea as to how many of what I should have - just for the clean up crew.

As far as Fish are concerned, I know Tangs are out of the question as the tank is too small, but I do want a couple or perc clowns. What else would be good to keep with them? I like alot of colour if thats any help....

Thanks in advance

cant go wrong with plenty of blue legged hermits, and alike.. i think its one per gallon.. not sure, more the better i`d say.. i have tons in mine.. Maybe an emerald crab.. they eat alot.. tangs would be good,as they eat algae also.. but a shame that u can`t house em.. few snails would be good. mudskipper blenny, but depending on size of tank two blennys may quarril.. not sure on that..

a bi-colour blenny could go with ya clowns, they just sit and watch you.. pretty funny..

couple of damsels. but put them in last if ur setup is setup 1st.. very territotrial little buggers..
can`t think of anything other fish, as many grow and grow..
but then depends on the fish u want in the long run, if its fish only..
I like astrea snails and blue-legged hermits. Don't get the red-legs if you have snails because they will eat snails alive for thier shells, even if you do have some spares lying around in some cases.

As for fish, you can have 3-4 fish in there, so in addition the the 2 clowns, I would add a goby of some sort [yellow clown or yellow watchman] and a royal gramma for lots of color.
Ok, so how about:

12 Blue Hermits
6 Turbo Snails

2 Percula Clowns
1 Lemon Goby
1 Royal Gramma

Does that sound about right?
I beg to differ....I would much rather go with Scarlet hermits over blue legged....less aggressive. Also, IMO, they are VERY overrated with regards to cleanup abilities. However, i can't argue that they add some interest to the tank.

I'm a big fan of astrea snails. Great cleaners

I think 6 turbos are too much, unless you want to constantly keep re-arranging your corals. They ARE good cleaners tho.

I also like nassarius snails..they help to keep your substrate loose, aerated and clean.

An example of a cleanup crew for your tank could be:

5 astrea
5 nassarius
5 cerith
3 turbos
1-2 skunk cleaners
A mithrax crab or several scarlet hermits

This is NOT written in stone. There are many combos. SH
You would get away with a Dwarf Angel in a 35g tank

As it is FOWLR and you are loking for color what about a Flame :wub:
I agree with SH. Blue leg hermits eat snails not red ones. I have seen a couple blue legs kill a few of my snails. Also right now I have a pair of skunk cleaners and they are enough enjoyment for my tank (20gal). I have a yellow clown goby, but the shrimp are really sweet. If I feed my coral with a baster they will come over, jump one my hand, walk over to the turkey baster and put their pinchers in it an eat. I have only had them for a week and they have already have eggs. (even though they will not survive). I love em. _CF
have you thought of a sand sifting star fish...i have one in my 125g tank and it does a great job at cleaning the substrate.

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