Tank Apathy- Now Getting Fed Up With It.


Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
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I'm bored with my tank.

Fed up, mucked off, cheesed off, bored.

I just want to drain it all down and say bye bye.

I think it's going to happen on Saturday. I 'm wondering if I will keep the tank, and maybe in a few months start over. I just can't snap out of it. I've spent hundreds on this hobby. I used to spend hours on the tank, and hours at the LFS. :sad:

I think that there's going to be a Juwel 180 in the for sale section soon.....

If you're bored with the tank then why not try changing it around?

Try a planted tank if it isn't already or try setting up a species tank?

Or just sell the lot! :p
Time to bag up all the fish and take them to the lfs then strip out the decor and try something new. A new project often raises your enthusiasm for the hobby when things have gone a bit stale.

Thanks for your replies. It helps when you share your worries with like minded people. I'm going to strip it all down, and move over to a Lake Malawi setup. I'm going to have to save a few quid to make it all happen, cos I'm not doing it all half measures!

Meanwhile, I'm going to get on with trying to find out whats making some of my juvies die. I have found four this week, all emaciated and gasping for breath. Hmm, I hope its not fish TB!

Thanks all, :p

YAY!! Thats the spirit! The Lake Malawi set up sounds fantastic. My friend has a 300 gallon Lake Malawi set up in his room. The fish are so colorful and big, and whenever I go over i just sit and watch them for hours.
Its not surprising to get fed up with your tank (or tanks). Its actually quite common in the hobby. Sometimes you just get burnt out on it and have to take a break. I have known some that have given up on the hobby for years or even decades and then break the tanks out of storage and start all over again when they feel the need.
you might get bored quickly with Malawis if you get fed up with what you have now, i thought i had a challange on my hands, but i didn't. easy as pie.you'd think it was a good thing, but it isn't.

So i decided to go Marine. costs aside. it's worth it.

One thing I will suggest - if you get bored, and want to quit, keep the tanks and supplies if you can. In my 25 years of keeping fish there have been times I was tired and bored with it, and I have spent a few years here and there without active tanks, but I have always come back later with renewed interest. I have regretted having to rebuy all the stuff I once had.
you might get bored quickly with Malawis if you get fed up with what you have now, i thought i had a challange on my hands, but i didn't. easy as pie.you'd think it was a good thing, but it isn't.

So i decided to go Marine. costs aside. it's worth it.


I would love to go marine. But one little problem.

A noisy skimmer.

That would kill it for me. I like my tanks to be quiet. Very quiet. I just couldn't stand a skimmer. Bubbling and gurgling.

Nope, I'm onto another idea now. Isn't it great when you pull the plug on the 'fed-ups', and start to enjoy yourself again. I have also decided to avoid my LFS and go a little farther afield in my new car. It's diesel, and is costing half as much to run as my old one. Now thats an excuse to spend more, and so I'm doing the planted thing properly this time. All the correct substrate, heater cable, ph controller, gas Co2, and a new hood with four 55w T5 lights. I'm also adding ten cardinals, and ten platinum Tetras, and calling my fish count quits at that.

Excited... :whistle:


Just a little. I think Mr Dennerle and Mr JBL will be happy. But most importantly, I will be.

Good to hear you've snapped back into the fishy way of thinking :)
I was planning on doing a planted tank but i've opted to go nano like DD!
As for the skimmer if you want nano you wouldn't need one and if you did it would only be as load as the airpump, which isn't very loud at all. Anyway glad to hear everythings back in place and goodluck with your planted adventure ;)

Spent £375 on bits yesterday..... :crazy:

Still need another £125 worth of bits..... :look:

My credit card has gone all bendy, and won't go into the slot on the card machine anymore.

It kinda does that I suppose, after the Wifey torches it with a mapp gas burner :blink:

In trouble lots.... :thumbs:

I'm hiding in the shed, with the bunnies. :ninja: :rofl:


yay! a happy ending, glad to see you havent given up :thumbs:

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