

New Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Now b4 ne one jumps down my throat lets think about this.

I have a 21 wide 16 deep and 19 1/2 high tank. With only a pair of clowns (m+f) various corals clean up crew etc....

Now...... i poped into my lfs today and noticed small 1" paracanthurus hepatus(regals) now......

I was thinking these bad boys get up to 12" no danger where my tank is conserened.

But i looked at the price £25 ........ then there were larger about 5" ones at £45

I then thought y cant i give one of these guys a home for a few months then sell him on. Im sure a small regal would love sharing my tank with 2 clowns! well until he gets around 3"ish

I think this a great idea!

Feedback needed........dont just ***** and be all "ohohohoh 100gallon+" witch is true if your wanting to keep a adult to full maturity, but thats not what i intend to do.
On paper its a fine concept, but what happens when it gets to 3" and you're allready attached to the fish, and/or too busy to bother trying to sell it? Just speaking from human experience, its tough to sell a pet that you've become attached to so I must ask: Do you truly care enough about the fish's longterm health to be able to part with it after a few months?

If when I posed that question your very first though was "absoloutely", then MAYBE you can do it. If you hesitated or didnt know how to answer it to yourself within half a second, then dont try it. There's no shame in admitting that you might not be able to give up a pet once purchased and cared for, I know I have extreme difficulty with it. That being said, I wont try raising a baby tang to adolescenthood even in my 45gallon which is significantly larger than your own tank.
I can see your point, I found a vampier Tang 2" for £15 and at 4" that go for £33. But I know I would not want to part with him!

Look at some of the Pygmy Angles, if I could get another I would! I have a coray Bueaty and He's like watching a little tang swimming round picking at things.
Look at some of the Pygmy Angles, if I could get another I would! I have a coray Bueaty and He's like watching a little tang swimming round picking at things.

Talkin about dwarfs my lfs had a really nice potters in today, looked pretty smart.

I still like the idea of choping and changing fish. It would be very interesting to keep a specimen (any fish) for a while, learn a bit about it then sell it on or exchange for a different juvanille fish when i feel the time and circumstances are correct.
I was thinking these bad boys get up to 12" no danger where my tank is conserened.

Confussed by the above statement

Bad Idea IMO Tangs are open sea fish that need a looong tank to get a good swim at

I recently got rid of my Sailfin Tang after my 90g tank smashed & I had to rehouse my Livestock in a 50g, which just was way to small for it

Even a junior Tang would suffer in a 20(ish) g tank

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