Talkin Catfish...

I had three in my tank, a large Spotty and Two Stripy.
Like everyone said they are nocturnal and only venture out of they are being moved, food is around or to get some air.
I remember the stripy guys wedging themselves under the filter(I have a juwel) and I was cleaning the tank and I needed to block it off so they wouldn't go there again, it took around 20 minutes to get them guys out.
I have also been scratched by the large Spotted. I was moving 'her' into the tank from my small 2ft tank and I had her in the net and she wedged my finger between her pectoral fin and her body, them spikes on her fins and side hurt like hell!
Interesting fish when the come out.

Emma x
That Hurts. Its a defence mechanism i have seen many a time and its brilliant, they trap a fish that is pestering them between their head and tail like you said and the spines puncture them, believe me none in my tank will pester him they have a remarkable respect for him and i am not surprised.
Yer i have been told to watch out for the spikes hahaha

I was amazed when i lifted him into the tank and heard him croak for the first time, wondered what the heck it was!!!

Love my Ralph
mines always comes out at feeding time. never swims more than 1" off the bottom of the tank , never heard him croack :/
I had a spotted one for ages.. used to hide all the time.

Although, he was a bit like a 3 year old kid who would hide his head and think that if he can't see you, then you can't see him. He would also creak nicely if ever you had to net him...

Heres a few picks. One hiding in his wood, and two in a bucket..




don't assume that these doridae only come out in the Dark. The baby ones i find this most of the time is true but stick with it because as they increase in size they get more bolder.
My Humbug/Striped is now around 6inches and he will come out for the last two hours and the first two hours of lights on/off.
The secret is do not feed them at night . Feed first thing in the morning and if you are a twice a day man 2 hours before dark. They are not stupid they work out that if they wait until dark its all or mostly gone and in the morning the food will be gone if they hide out.
They also make a very nice sound of a 'Sawing' motion as if you are using a hacksaw.

The rest of your fish no matter how big will respect it because if it barges into them it is like being hit with a missile as these boys have thick armoured plating. I was down a local shop once and one popped out of his tank as he was putting it in a customer stepped on it as he walked by. Not a mark on him as he was picked up and put back in the tank. That's what i like about them you could put a 6inch Striped in with a massive 4ft fish and he would not touch him...Respect :good:

Like you said I feed mine at the same times and I even get to see my albino featherfin, it beats trying to grab a quick glance hear and there, so between five and seven pm I am in the room we used to call our dining room sat back in a reclining chair just watching enjoy your knight in shining armour.

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