Tales of a 17 year old


May 9, 2023
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Perth, Australia
As a 17 year old, and a Year 12 student, my history of the world of fishkeeping is growing. I am following the right direction about advice you guys gave me over time in my day-by-day diary thread. Hobbies come and go, but the fishkeeping hobby won't be broken or moved on like the others, such as art. It can feel different at times and advice is always welcome. The world keeps spinning and I'm trying to chase my dreams of being a good fishkeeper. I will see old teachers and new ones too this year. I will recognise the employees on two LFS's over time as I visit them more. I have been keeping tetras for over a year. I follow other users' footsteps and there will be glory and defeat throughout the hobby, but I can accept them. The best thing to do with the hobby is not giving up.

The forum is a safe place for me. It is helpful and you can trust them over bad google websites relating to fish care except Seriously Fish. The hobby is growing and evolving.

So, thanks for everything.

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