Takifugu Ocellatus


Fish Crazy
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Seems to be doing well I have the tank at 68 going for about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. It looked awful when I bought, but it looks 100% better. It is also eating well. When I bought its eyes were somewhat sunken in and it was either pacing the tank frantically or lying on the bottom panting. Now it is completely calm and eating. It seems much less neurotic compared to other puffers. I have a "skilter" filter with integrated protein skimmer. It is actually working, and the air inducted into the impeller seems to saturate the water with oxygen. The Ocellated puffer is not breathing heavily at all.
Good stuff. Glad to hear it doing good for u. Hope it stays that way for as long as possible. Bad history with keeping them in captivity...

Ran into one of these guys 2 years ago when starting out fishkeeping... at the time, glad didnt get as was way under experienced to deal with the hassles and headaches this species can be... but if I ran into one again, I think I would have to get it as its a beautiful animal

Ox :good:
Buy Me!!!I swear I won't just stop eating one day or even take a bite out of the thermometer behind me... I swear :rolleyes:

I know little about the puffer itself besides it can be a bear to keep as their captivity rates are dismal... they will just stop eating one day...

Yes, they are quite beautiful and from the specimen I saw two years ago, can be quite active and interactive with their owner. The coloration is beautiful with the orange swooshes on its back.

Ox :good:
Keeping the water temp low is essential, however I cannot get my tank any lower than 66 degrees. Really the best thing is using the air induction on the protein-skimmer. There is a lot of gas exchange at the surface. Up untill now I have been too lazy to dig out the raw cocktail shrimp from the main freezer and have been feeding it silversides. It slaughtered a Mosquitofish that was in my betta bowl. The mosquitofish killed my betta last week.
Does that puffer live in Korea? I think I've seen some like that around here....:) Maybe I'm mistaken though.
The most documented occurances are in China. There is one report in Korea according to fishbase.org. I will add a pic of mine as soon as my freind's camera charges.
he is cute usually puffers a finicky and if wild caught after a certain age they wont do well at all but if you get them young then you should be fine i have never had problems keeping a puffer alive then again im not going to be owning this species till after work today so i guess i cant speak yet but puffers from my experience are great fish and yes most of them will not tolerate others and on top of your fish fighting if one gets bit they both can die best kept to a single fish to the tank ( ohh and silver sides are ok i guess but you should be feeding them a meaty shelled diet to keep the beak back puffer dentistry is stressful trust me its worth not being lazy about)

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