Letter I Just Sent To Pres. Of Petco

Well said :clap: How long did it take you to write that? I can't believe how bad it is, I've never seen fish bagged up like you said they were except one time when I went to a pets supermarket (similar to petco) and they had around at least 30 CAE in one bag and they were all moving around fast and bumping into each other. :no:

It took about 15 minutes to write it. It doesn't take much to speak out for those that can't speak for themselves. Also-- thank you for your praise but I really hope this post gives some people the inspiration to do the same. :flowers:
I guess that might explain why a tiger barb and a certain type of catfish I got there on January 14 died a day or two after. :huh:
Exiled, I've been to that very petco several times, and it's always bad in there like you say. One time I even saw a half-alive goldfish being spun around on a spinny filter thing by it's eye socket. I called the manager and complained, and he told me that he was the new store manager and that things were going to change....
Exiled, I've been to that very petco several times, and it's always bad in there like you say. One time I even saw a half-alive goldfish being spun around on a spinny filter thing by it's eye socket. I called the manager and complained, and he told me that he was the new store manager and that things were going to change....

Hi Pseud -- really? that very same Petco Next to Linen's and Things, and Borders? Isn't it awful? You live in CT right? Whatdya say we unify some more locals together and raise a little hell over there (tactfully of course). :ninja:
Have you ever been in there when the ich was RAMPANT? I've always wanted to rip open the medicine packages and treat the fish myself. What if a group of us went in there and fed the starving fish, liberated the dying-bagged fish, started scooping out the dead fish...etc. wearing T-shirts that said something catchy on it like "Petco: Where The Pets Go...(to die)" And we'de get someone to videotape it. Man that'd blow their minds! 8)
Exiled, I've been to that very petco several times, and it's always bad in there like you say. One time I even saw a half-alive goldfish being spun around on a spinny filter thing by it's eye socket. I called the manager and complained, and he told me that he was the new store manager and that things were going to change....

Hi Pseud -- really? that very same Petco Next to Linen's and Things, and Borders? Isn't it awful? You live in CT right? Whatdya say we unify some more locals together and raise a little hell over there (tactfully of course). :ninja:
Have you ever been in there when the ich was RAMPANT? I've always wanted to rip open the medicine packages and treat the fish myself. What if a group of us went in there and fed the starving fish, liberated the dying-bagged fish, started scooping out the dead fish...etc. wearing T-shirts that said something catchy on it like "Petco: Where The Pets Go...(to die)" And we'de get someone to videotape it. Man that'd blow their minds! 8)

Brilliant Idea! I'll fly over and help you! :D

When done BTW for writing this letter...
Exiled, I've been to that very petco several times, and it's always bad in there like you say. One time I even saw a half-alive goldfish being spun around on a spinny filter thing by it's eye socket. I called the manager and complained, and he told me that he was the new store manager and that things were going to change....

Hi Pseud -- really? that very same Petco Next to Linen's and Things, and Borders? Isn't it awful? You live in CT right? Whatdya say we unify some more locals together and raise a little hell over there (tactfully of course). :ninja:
Have you ever been in there when the ich was RAMPANT? I've always wanted to rip open the medicine packages and treat the fish myself. What if a group of us went in there and fed the starving fish, liberated the dying-bagged fish, started scooping out the dead fish...etc. wearing T-shirts that said something catchy on it like "Petco: Where The Pets Go...(to die)" And we'de get someone to videotape it. Man that'd blow their minds! 8)

now THAT's how you get it done... then you tape it, get it on national news and on the internet, that's when they'll change. Which is after you all get arrested.
dude, you ROCK for writing the letter,... finally the little guy stands up and says something,.... *clapping*
Exiled, I've been to that very petco several times, and it's always bad in there like you say. One time I even saw a half-alive goldfish being spun around on a spinny filter thing by it's eye socket. I called the manager and complained, and he told me that he was the new store manager and that things were going to change....

Hi Pseud -- really? that very same Petco Next to Linen's and Things, and Borders? Isn't it awful? You live in CT right? Whatdya say we unify some more locals together and raise a little hell over there (tactfully of course). :ninja:
Have you ever been in there when the ich was RAMPANT? I've always wanted to rip open the medicine packages and treat the fish myself. What if a group of us went in there and fed the starving fish, liberated the dying-bagged fish, started scooping out the dead fish...etc. wearing T-shirts that said something catchy on it like "Petco: Where The Pets Go...(to die)" And we'de get someone to videotape it. Man that'd blow their minds! 8)

i hope you guys have money to bail yourselves out.
Exiled, I've been to that very petco several times, and it's always bad in there like you say. One time I even saw a half-alive goldfish being spun around on a spinny filter thing by it's eye socket. I called the manager and complained, and he told me that he was the new store manager and that things were going to change....

Hi Pseud -- really? that very same Petco Next to Linen's and Things, and Borders? Isn't it awful? You live in CT right? Whatdya say we unify some more locals together and raise a little hell over there (tactfully of course). :ninja:
Have you ever been in there when the ich was RAMPANT? I've always wanted to rip open the medicine packages and treat the fish myself. What if a group of us went in there and fed the starving fish, liberated the dying-bagged fish, started scooping out the dead fish...etc. wearing T-shirts that said something catchy on it like "Petco: Where The Pets Go...(to die)" And we'de get someone to videotape it. Man that'd blow their minds! 8)

now THAT's how you get it done... then you tape it, get it on national news and on the internet, that's when they'll change. Which is after you all get arrested.

HECK YEAH!! I Would be there making the video and taking pics :snap: Although my petco isn't that bad at all. I still go to a local fish shop. It's called Sea Spleander!! It rocks!! There are about 5-6 employees and I know about 4 of them really well! It's not a big fish shop so they don't need many employees. The place they get their guppies from breeds really good quialty fish. In fact I'm going to get a male guppy tomorrow to replace the one I lost. You have fun with that video thing! Oh and sorry I kind of trail off alot!

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