What is a Working dog - one that works to gun, works on land, Police, Field trials, guarding, you can see where this is leading can't you![]()
from the BASC
"From 6th April 2007, it will no longer be legal to have the tail of any dog docked for cosmetic purposes in England. However, following a successful lobbying campaign in March 2006, BASC gained a derogation so that gundogs and certain other working dogs can still have their tails docked, as long as the owner of the puppies and vet have clear reason to believe that this is on welfare grounds, and that certain strict conditions are fulfilled.
Following a debate in the House of Lords there was some confusion surrounding the wording of the regulation, but this has now been sorted out and we are back on track. The House of Commons has already debated and passed the legislation, and the House of Lords will re-address it on March 27th. The objection has been withdrawn and it is not possible to amend the wording. There is no likelihood that it will be voted down.
To qualify a puppy for tail docking, the person taking it to the vet must provide a signed and dated statement together with identification for himself as the owner or representative of the owner, and evidence that the puppy is likely to be used for a specified type of work. Identification types applying to BASC members are detailed below, there are other categories for the Armed Forces, emergency services, HM Prison Service and HM Customs and Revenue:
(vi) evidence that the owner of the dog, or an agent or employee of the owner most likely to be using the dog, will be using the dog for work in connection with lawful pest control;
(vii) a current shotgun or firearm certificate issued to the owner of the dog, or to the agent or employee of the owner most likely to be using the dog for work in connection with the lawful shooting of animals;
(viii) a letter from a gamekeeper, a land-occupier (or his agent), a person with shooting rights, a shoot organiser, a club official, a person representing the National Working Terrier Federation, or a person engaged in lawful pest control, stating that the breeder of the dog whose tail is to be docked is known to him and that dogs bred by that breeder have been used (as the case may be) on his land, or in his shoot, or for pest control.
In addition the vet must believe that the dog is not more than five days old and that the dam of the dog is one of the following types:
Hunt point retrieve breeds of any type or combination of types
Spaniels of any type or combination of types
Terriers of any type or combination of types
Following docking the puppy will be microchipped, and the vet will provide a certificate confirming that all of the requirements of the derogation have been filled. The precise format of the certificate has yet to be decided and will be issued by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
There is concern that it will be difficult for owners to prove that new born pups are destined to be working dogs, but this is addressed by the fact that the owner and vet have reason to believe that the dog is most likely to be used for the lawful shooting of animals or lawful pest control.
The full wording of the regulation can be found on the Office of Public "
from defra
"What kind of evidence do I need to show to prove that my dog will work?
The forms of evidence you can provide are: armed forces identification; emergency rescue identification; police identification; prison service identification; Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs identification; evidence that the dog will be used for lawful pest control; a current shotgun or firearm certificate; or a suitable letter from a suitable person involved in shooting or pest control. More details are available in the Regulations. The types of dog that will be allowed to be docked, and the types of evidence needed, is detailed in further regulations. These are available on the Office of Public Sector Information website."
the law is pretty much watertight on that question
but then again theres no need for any dogs tail to be docked except for human esthetics
how about, if before you were 5 days old, your parents had thought,mmmm maybe theyll burn themselves on the stove or knock into things and break them or climb and fall breaking themselves and costing us money in dr bills and so we'll cut off their limbs to prevent all that. maybe anyone born with additional needs should be sterilised before 5 days old to prevent them carrying on any 'different' genes [ooops i wouldnt have 4 kids then would i

docking is as outmoded as dog fighting and cropping and now its illegal the same as they are
however a pointless discussion as the two sides are never going to agree either are wrong or that in some instances it is/nt cruel. interesting to read through though as well as calmly discussed, well done to everyone