Im sure those fittings in the last link will fit your lamp... but I am assuming you will also need the control gear ? (ie ballast) as I'm not sure if those lamps have it built in or not ( I would bet NOT !)
If this is the case, then you need to buy that too.... its starting to mount up now ! lol
I admire you for wanting to "give it a go" but if theres ANY doubt, I would maybe buy a commercial unit - water and mains electricity are not friends !
Quick trawl on ebay revealed this :
Ebay lamp
And another
Which seem to use a similar lamp, but is a complete easy option.
If it needs to look nice, those seem a good bet (ask them about lamp spec first - make sure you can source replacements... maybe yours will fit !)
When I setup an Endler breeding tank (planted) I knocked up a pendant fitting with a 'daylight' energy saving lamp, this just hung over the tank from a shelf above.... didnt look too pretty though ! ;-) and even with cover glass, the plants loved it.
Good luck with your project... happy to help if you need any more - theres NO such thing as a "daft question"