Bit of an update for anyone reading....
Our Synos have been giving be a lot of room for error - there is a constant supply of eggs - every couple of days there are more in the trap...
So I am making progress... but only slowly.
I have been able to get the eggs hatching and the fry surviving, I'f filled my home made trap with java moss, this is breaking up the flow of the water entering the trap meaning that the fry are not getting battered and killed once they hatch. It is also trapping the eggs off the bottom, away from the poop and food that this method also sucks up.
At the moment I'm still having problems raising the fry - I can now get the fry past the egg sack stage but no further.
This would lead me to believe that its a food problem. I'm going to have to start another tank for them and transfer the fry as soon as I can so that I can feed separately and monitor them better.
At the moment we have about 12 small fry - no pigment and only just finished their egg sacks.