Synodontis Petricola - Advice

Nick Sw

Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
UK - Halifax
Hi I`d like some advice when purchasing some Synodontis Petricola for my Malawi setup, I`ve decided I lik e these because they sound like good tank mates for my Mbuna, keep relatively small and I think are great looking fish.

Basically I`d like to know what to look for when puchasing them so I don`t end up with either a mis-labelled fish or some kind of genetically modified hybrid fish high on hormones from eastern europe.
I`ve tried to read up as much as possible and familiarise myself with thier features best I can but I thought I`d ask the experts.

If anyone could recommded a reliable suppllier in the Yorkshire area that would be great.
Any comments/help welcome
Hi I`d like some advice when purchasing some Synodontis Petricola for my Malawi setup, I`ve decided I lik e these because they sound like good tank mates for my Mbuna, keep relatively small and I think are great looking fish.

Basically I`d like to know what to look for when puchasing them so I don`t end up with either a mis-labelled fish or some kind of genetically modified hybrid fish high on hormones from eastern europe.
I`ve tried to read up as much as possible and familiarise myself with thier features best I can but I thought I`d ask the experts.

If anyone could recommded a reliable suppllier in the Yorkshire area that would be great.
Any comments/help welcome

I was also thinking of having these. Have you considered the Synodontis Polli? I like them but haven't seen any for sale anywhere.
i have 7 petricola in my malawi tank and i have a new favorite fish.THEM.i can help u with anything u really need.just pm me
Great little fish but can be quite costly to buy...

We've got 7 that we planned to breed... plans changed and they are now happilly living it up in our 100gal community tank.

They are really active fish but mainly in the evening and at night.
i have 7 petricola in my malawi tank and i have a new favorite fish.THEM.i can help u with anything u really need.just pm me

Have to agree with you there :) I wasn't that keen to start with but they have quickly become my favourites in the tank. They are so entertaining to watch, not shy and are out swimming about for most of the day and evening. I'm hoping to get a couple more to take the number up to 6.
THIS is what you're looking for in a Syno Perticola, The give-away signs are bigger spots on the body area and smaller ones around the head. Also nice white outlines around the fins.
I found this interesting article quite by accident. I thought that Petricola spawned like Multipunctatus but according to this article they do not.

Petricola spawning

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