Swordtails slapping the body on sword plant


New Member
Apr 2, 2021
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Martville NY
So I got my test kit to do my water parameter and test it all came back as decent my ph was 7.6 my ammonia was 0.25 my nitrite was 0.25 and my nitrates were 0 does anyone have any answers on what could be going on
What could be going on is ammonia poisoning... ammonia and nitrite should both be zero, there isn't a "safe" amount of ammonia/nitrite to have in the tank. If the test can detect either, and they're not at zero, you need to water change until they're both at zero, and nitrates are < 20ppm.

Starting a new thread without having the history from your previous post makes it hard for people to follow along, we don't have the info about your tank that you shared in the last thread.
In future, if it's ongoing issue, it's best to update in the existing thread rather than making a new one, so it's all in one place.

You didn't respond to my last post in your last thread... as I said then, we really need information about your tank in order to try to help you. We cannot see the tank or fish for ourselves, so we need to rely on the information you give us.
He's very fin-clamped. Please do an emergency water change of 75%, making sure to use a declorinator, and to temperature match the new water to the tank temperature before adding it into the tank.

If the ammonia is high, a large water change will remove 75% of it, and hopefully dilute what remains enough to be less harmful. Until you can test the water and be sure of the levels, it's safest to act as though ammonia is high, and do the large water changes to make sure the water is safe in the meantime.

Once that is done, please come back and let us know more details about the tank! Can copy/paste the template below and fill out the answers you know, and this should help us diagnose what's happening/happened in your tank :)

Tank size:
tank age:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
What could be going on is ammonia poisoning... ammonia and nitrite should both be zero, there isn't a "safe" amount of ammonia/nitrite to have in the tank. If the test can detect either, and they're not at zero, you need to water change until they're both at zero, and nitrates are < 20ppm.

Starting a new thread without having the history from your previous post makes it hard for people to follow along, we don't have the info about your tank that you shared in the last thread.
In future, if it's ongoing issue, it's best to update in the existing thread rather than making a new one, so it's all in one place.

You didn't respond to my last post in your last thread... as I said then, we really need information about your tank in order to try to help you. We cannot see the tank or fish for ourselves, so we need to rely on the information you give us.
Honestly I'm really new to fish keeping I have a betta and a turtle and I've never used a forum type thing so it's a little confusing and what's ur recommendation to fix it I lost 1 fish but he looked a little weak so I move him to a different tank which he then died in and if tank size matter it's a 20 long not completely full because I have 2 mystery snails
Honestly I'm really new to fish keeping I have a betta and a turtle and I've never used a forum type thing so it's a little confusing and what's ur recommendation to fix it I lost 1 fish but he looked a little weak so I move him to a different tank which he then died in and if tank size matter it's a 20 long not completely full because I have 2 mystery snails
My platys were acting stressed and rubbing against plants once, but they stopped after I did a water change. It probably has to do with the ammonia and nitrite. I would probably clean the tank immediately and remove anything that could possible be causing ammonia (dying plants, over feeding, a ton of waste).
Honestly I'm really new to fish keeping I have a betta and a turtle and I've never used a forum type thing so it's a little confusing and what's ur recommendation to fix it I lost 1 fish but he looked a little weak so I move him to a different tank which he then died in and if tank size matter it's a 20 long not completely full because I have 2 mystery snails
No worries about being new to forums (and welcome to the hobby too! We were all new at one point :) ) Just going to ask if @Fishmanic or @Essjay can merge your two threads so all the info is together and people can try to help :)

My advice is to do daily 50-75% water changes, using declorinator and temperature matching the new water to the tank temperature, and continue testing the water so you can monitor ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels. Anytime ammonia or nitrite are anything other than zero, or nirates go above 20ppm, to do a large water change. That should keep your fish safe and give them the best chance of surviving any illness they may have while we try to find out why the swordtail is acting strangely.

Please copy/paste the template below and fill out the info, will help us see what's going on. If you're able to take a short video of the fish, their behaviour and the tank, that can help a lot. However the video upload function on this site doesn't seem to work, so you'd need to upload the video to youtube and link it here.

Tank size:
tank age:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
No worries about being new to forums (and welcome to the hobby too! We were all new at one point :) ) Just going to ask if @Fishmanic or @Essjay can merge your two threads so all the info is together and people can try to help :)

My advice is to do daily 50-75% water changes, using declorinator and temperature matching the new water to the tank temperature, and continue testing the water so you can monitor ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels. Anytime ammonia or nitrite are anything other than zero, or nirates go above 20ppm, to do a large water change. That should keep your fish safe and give them the best chance of surviving any illness they may have while we try to find out why the swordtail is acting strangely.

Please copy/paste the template below and fill out the info, will help us see what's going on. If you're able to take a short video of the fish, their behaviour and the tank, that can help a lot. However the video upload function on this site doesn't seem to work, so you'd need to upload the video to youtube and link it here.

Tank size:
tank age:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Ok imma do like 75% water change and gravel vac my sand and see if it lowers the nitrates and ammonia I'll keep you all posted on what's going on
Tank size: 20 long
tank age:it was my turtle tank until I got my 45 gallon for him so imma just say a year
tank temp: 75 or 78

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):rubbing against items and flicking

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
25% once a week
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:
1 yellow and black platie and4 swordtails Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:
Digital photo (include if possible):


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No worries about being new to forums (and welcome to the hobby too! We were all new at one point :) ) Just going to ask if @Fishmanic or @Essjay can merge your two threads so all the info is together and people can try to help :)

My advice is to do daily 50-75% water changes, using declorinator and temperature matching the new water to the tank temperature, and continue testing the water so you can monitor ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels. Anytime ammonia or nitrite are anything other than zero, or nirates go above 20ppm, to do a large water change. That should keep your fish safe and give them the best chance of surviving any illness they may have while we try to find out why the swordtail is acting strangely.

Please copy/paste the template below and fill out the info, will help us see what's going on. If you're able to take a short video of the fish, their behaviour and the tank, that can help a lot. However the video upload function on this site doesn't seem to work, so you'd need to upload the video to youtube and link it here.

Tank size:
tank age:
tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
Ok imma do like 75% water change and gravel vac my sand and see if it lowers the nitrates and ammonia
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Ok so I did what you said now my nitrite is at 0 but my ammonia is at 0.25 ppm how do I get it to 0 like my nitrite

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