

Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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the first time my swordtails had fry 4 survived,2 males and 2 females(or so i thought).1 of the males died in a tragic accident when i moved and i donated the other 1 to my lfs.i decided to keep both females and i put 1 in my large tank with a male and kept the other 1 in my small tank.about the time the 1 in the big tank made it to full size i noticed her tail starting to grow and then realized she was a he so i switched them.now all of the sudden the other one has decided to become a boy.has this happened to anyone?i mean the sex change thing after they were fully grown.
It happened to me recently, I assume because he/she was being harassed by a lot of males, she seems a lot happier now though but doesn't chase the females like the other males do. I think I read somewhere that not a lot of fish survive the sex change operation, but mine seems a lot happier now. Its probably because your fish is stressed for some reason.
the male in the large tank is quite a horny little pest.he is actually the father and i put him in the large tank because he harrassed the mother so much.
Its not just swords that change sex, i have a platy at the moment who is starting to grow a gonopodium, it look so funny cos it still has a huge gravid spot and a gonopodium lol

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