That's interesting. I wonder why their behaviour is different to what we have here. I can understand wild caught fish behaving slightly differently but one would think the Asian bred stuff should act the same all around the world.
So they're like teenagers.In the wild, most female livebearers hang out in large groups consisting of between 20 & 50 (but sometimes up to 100 or more) females. These groups have a pecking order with the biggest most dominant female ruling the group and she has a group of girlfriends who back her up. All the other females live in the group but are lower down the pecking order.
The groups of females move around rivers and waterways looking for food and places to hang out. As the groups move around a few males follow the group and try to breed with any females. The groups of males have a pecking order too and the biggest male will bully his smaller mates.
In the confines of an aquarium, the males will constantly harass the females and try to breed with them. This puts undue stress on the females and if there are too many males constantly pestering the females, the females can get sick and die prematurely.
In my opinion it is preferable to keep common livebearers like swordtails in single sex tanks (either male or female but not both sexes together). If you want a group of males and females then have 1 male and at least 6 females (preferably 10 or more females per male) so the harassment is spread out over more females.
very interesting!In natura, la maggior parte delle ovovivipari vive in grandi gruppi composti da 20 e 50 (ma a volte fino a 100 o più) femmine. Questi gruppi hanno un ordine gerarchico con la donna più grande e dominante che governa il gruppo e ha un gruppo di amiche che la sostengono. Tutte le altre femmine vivono nel gruppo ma sono più in basso nella gerarchia.
I gruppi di femmine si spostano lungo fiumi e corsi d'acqua in cerca di cibo e luoghi dove frequentarsi. Mentre i gruppi si spostano, alcuni maschi seguono il gruppo e cercano di riprodursi con eventuali femmine. Anche i gruppi di maschi hanno un ordine gerarchico e il maschio più grande farà il prepotente con i suoi compagni più piccoli.
All'interno dell'acquario, i maschi molestano costantemente le femmine e cercano di riprodursi con loro. Ciò sottopone le femmine a uno stress eccessivo e se ci sono troppi maschi che le infastidiscono costantemente, queste possono ammalarsi e morire prematuramente.
A mio parere è preferibile allevare gli ovovivipari comuni come gli spadaccini in vasche dello stesso sesso (maschi o femmine ma non entrambi i sessi insieme). Se vuoi un gruppo di maschi e femmine, allora disponi di 1 maschio e almeno 6 femmine (preferibilmente 10 o più femmine per maschio) in modo che le molestie siano distribuite su più femmine.
That does happen. Especially, when the tank gets to cramped for all those fish. It's a natural thing to solve the overpopulation problem.Some say that the number reaches a certain point and regulates itself.
That does happen. Especially, when the tank gets to cramped for all those fish. It's a natural thing to solve the overpopulation problem.
It certainly can affect their behavior. But in a large school it won't be that visible.Hey @emeraldking, do livebearers change behaviour in warmer or colder water?
is it worse in warm water or cold water?It certainly can affect their behavior. But in a large school it won't be that visible.
If we talk about breeding forms, the activity is more in warmer water. If we speak about wild specimens, it depends on the location of origin. If we speak about those coming from the mountain areas, they'll be more active in colder watrer than in warmer water. The ones coming from lower areas, will be more active in waremer water than in colder water. "Active" can also mean aggressive in this it worse in warm water or cold water?
are they more aggressive in warm water?