Swordtail Problems

CCFC Monkey

Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score

Nitrite 0
Nitrate 25-30 ppm

Amonia 0

Ph between 6.8 - 7.0

Temp 79

Seems to be sinking to the bottom of tank, increased respiration, and rapid fin movement... working a lot harder than the other fish to swim. Body appears to be slightly bend, more so compared to other fish!!

I guessing this will be terminal, or will he make a dramatic turnaround?

Please Advise.
Nevermind, Unfortunately the fish as just passed away :-(

And all other fish seem fine, any theory's would still be greatly appreciated. But if memory serves me correctly, it one of the same batch as when i brought my neons, and as soon as I placed my neons into my tank, the same symptoms shown up on 1 in particular. That also passed away within hours, is it possible that it could be a bad batch of fish from LFS?
to be honest, you will often get some fish who will die soon after addition to a tank. Correct me if i'm wrong, ppl, but I think this is due to stress during transit from the shop to the new home

To reduce fish loss in a new aquarium i suggest trying to keep the bag warmer on the way to the new tank, avoiding rough handling, and when floating the bag to accustomize the fish to the tank keep them there for longer than the bag says - some say just float them for 5 mins then release, but i float them for 30 mins, then let a bit of tank water mix in the bag, then anothr 30 mins then release.

Also your nitrites or nitrites cant remem which are which, but the one thats 25 or 30, you might want that a bit lower to be on the safe side - just do another water change
cheers andy!

i floated bag in tank for at least an hour.. an when i test my tap water the nitrate level was higher than it was in tank. was about 30 ppm out tap. and between 25-30 ppm in tank... so other than stress im confuzed to how water quality has affexcted the fish. the only thing i can think is stress, or bad batch??

Any advice ppl?
Another Swordtail as died! :S

Cant understand why, tested water an the only thing i could find was the nitrate was about 40ppm, So cleaned my filter media, did a 1/3 Change on the 100 litre uk tank.

Seems fine today, other than the water seems to be sightly cloudy, tinted green.. am also noticing black hair like algae forming on plants?

whit in or two fish seeming to be gulping at top of tank ???

Im confused!!

Any Ideas or threoys??
What other fish do you have in there?

Because 2 have now died, you could be right about the 'bad batch' theory - if the other fish are acting completely fine.

If the water is turning a bit cloudy, it's prob just due to the larger water changes stirring up muck, unless you have added any meds? Also don't worry about the algae unless it completely covers the tank, in fact many will tell you it is good to have a bit as they give out oxygen, which will help if the fish cant breathe - so to speak :)

adding an air pump might be a good idea to, just something to maximise surface agitation and to therefore increase oxygen again. But only do this if you've got one, cos i dout this is the root cause.

Some live plants may be handy too!

best of luck
What other fish do you have in there?

Because 2 have now died, you could be right about the 'bad batch' theory - if the other fish are acting completely fine.

If the water is turning a bit cloudy, it's prob just due to the larger water changes stirring up muck, unless you have added any meds? Also don't worry about the algae unless it completely covers the tank, in fact many will tell you it is good to have a bit as they give out oxygen, which will help if the fish cant breathe - so to speak :)

adding an air pump might be a good idea to, just something to maximise surface agitation and to therefore increase oxygen again. But only do this if you've got one, cos i dout this is the root cause.

Some live plants may be handy too!

best of luck

I have a waterfall filter, an air pump and several large plants!!

Well confused I is! :crazy:

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