How do you know if I have read the law or not, don't make statements about me if you don't know the truth. You know what, fish are animals and deserve equal treatment that dogs and cats enjoy in my opinion, so keep your goldfish in ten gallons and bettas in piss cups, ignorant hobbyists that keep things because they are "pretty" and don't know how to do a simple water change. Regardless of nerve endings or spinal columns they are living creatures that should be treated with care. And yeah I do support the not fully transparent sides. several times i have stepped into my room and my Characins go berserk because the fast movement startles them. By covering a side they are less startled and thus less stressed. Its not like the authorities are going to arrest you for this, its probably just a fine. Am I considered a criminal because I got a traffic ticket? Not really, you act like they are going to throw you in jail for life. research is your friend, and if you can't do that you shouldn't be able to own living creatures at all. Maybe there should be a permit to own any animal, because obviously careless people want to think of these things as expandable objects. and bad European policy, I'm tired of your pity party, its not like America doesn't have a bureaucracy or bad legislation so don't even play that card about how I don't know. Because of idiots that couldn't take care of their fish and to put them into the local waterways, snakeheads, pirhanas, stingrays, wolfish, tilapia, dorados, electric catfish, electric eels, Nile perch, glass carp, Australian crayfish, African tigerfish, lampreys, zebra mussel, walking catfish, mitten crab, airsac catfish, parasitic catfish, green sunfish, big head carp, red swamp crayfish, silver carp, airbreathing catfish, silver carp, snail/black carp, bony tongued fish, or blue catfish are all banned. So there, I cannot own these because some idiot didn't do their research and dumped these fish and someone got hurt or they were invasive to our ecosystem. I have been punished because of a few people, I won't even call hobbyists, did this and because someone can't take care of their fish now I will not be able to own these species, even though I could. I am not a man of natural science an I apologize for making the error of saying fish can feel pain. I went out on a limb. But with that, I will say I have a conscience and treat animals with compassion and not as just another little object in my room. bad legislation or not, its a first step and someone has to do it. Its not like our countries have tried to protect fish rights, so perhaps we should be less critical of it and watch how it progresses before we are so quick to say no.