Surprised at WALMART


Mar 1, 2005
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Long Island, Ny
I was shopping at walmart today. So of course, I had to go check out the fish. I hate doing it, because I usually just leave feeling upset. They had all the Betta cups stacked by the sink as usuall. Boys on one side, girls on the other. I always fell sorry for the ones not on top of the stacks (Kind of defeats the purpose of having an air hole on top don't you think?) So I always mix them up a bit, and try to make more piles. :thumbs: The big surprise was the size of the cups. They hold 24 oz of water. They were all pretty full too. You may be asking yourself, how I know it is 24 oz. I left the store with a new Female. :D After I got her into my Female tank, I filled up the cup, then put the water into a measuring cup.

Does everyone's walmart charge the same $ for male & Females? I paid less than $2 at Petco, but the walmart girl was $3.49 (same as males)

I'll post pic of her tomorrow. Need more light to show her true color. Very pretty light red cambo. Has an irridescence that gives her a purple shine. She is very small but may butterfly. Also may have a couple crowns?
It used to be $4.97 for a male betta and $3.17 for a female betta at my LFS.. then the owner decided to hike up some prices and now female bettas are $6.16.. yet the males mysteriously remained the same price.. :shifty:
o yea, the new cups are a big improvement. iv got one of the old cups and a few of the new ones and the size differance is much more than u would expect. it really does make a differance in the lives of these fish :thumbs: still pretty dumb that they stack cups and dont feed the fish :dunno: one improvement at a time i suppose -_-
My Walmart uses 24oz cups as well.... that they fill less than half full :grr:
Synirr said:
My Walmart uses 24oz cups as well.... that they fill less than half full :grr:
That's exactly what the two WM by me do. The only difference between them is the cleanliness that one has rather than the other one.
I have two walmarts (kinda far away), both have the big cups, both are very full, one takes excellent care of their fishes, only ordering a small amount at a time...the other one :angry: over orders and the same poor babies have been there for over 3 weeks...two of which are starting to mold...yes the bettas themselves. Sadly, my parents say no to paying for more fish and being but a humble college student, I can't afford more. :-( Hopefully I can get them soon and make them alll better. BTW, if someone is in the sacramento area, these bettas I'm talking about are in the rocklin walmart if they can help.

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