I am a member of a Student Consulting group at Washington and Lee University. You may or may not be aware that the communities from which many aquarium fish originate get pennies on the dollar of the price of fish in US fish stores. Our project is attempting to create a certification system or something similar to fair trade coffee for ornamental fish in order to increase the profit margin for these communities.
Our research is focused on the supply chain of ornamental fish, particularly cardinal tetra, neon tetra, and freshwater angelfish. We would like to know:
1) How much do you charge in your store for each of these fish?
2) Who is your supplier for these fish?
3) How much do you pay the supplier?
If you have answers to these questions or suggestions for a certification program, comments would be greatly appreciated!
Our research is focused on the supply chain of ornamental fish, particularly cardinal tetra, neon tetra, and freshwater angelfish. We would like to know:
1) How much do you charge in your store for each of these fish?
2) Who is your supplier for these fish?
3) How much do you pay the supplier?
If you have answers to these questions or suggestions for a certification program, comments would be greatly appreciated!