Supercoley's First Planted Tank Adventure

I know I've started a thread in chit chat on this subject, and have to own up that this is a shameless bump. :blush:

I had my first fasting day in the tank yesterday and couldn't believe the results.

By the end of the day the water seems clearer.

Mollys have been cleaning all the plants' leaves of algae 'stubble'
Plecs have been cleaning the wood back to a reddy brown colour.
Betta has been hunting snails eggs
Danios have been chasing fry and any hidden morsels.
Tetras have been eating any hidden offerings that appear in the melee of 'plant shaking' by the mollys
Even the Black molly fry (down to about 10 now) are cleaning behind the spray bar.

I am now going to introduce this every Sunday.
Interesting, most fish are probably more used to fasting than we given the credit.

Note to Sam (I've turned signatures back on. lol)

Last night won £150 (approx was $298) on ladbrokes poker, and thought to myself:

Waahey now I can get the 110W T5 TC, bulbs, diffuser, Tropica Mastergrow, Bubble Counter etc. I was so happy (was 5am)

I woke up this morning to the cloudiest tank ever!!!! Soo this is all on hold (or rather being reconsidered)

I am guessing that my new addition (large slate 'mountain') has caused this even though I washed it thoroughly several times and boiled it.

It was a piece I found at work in the bay that should be 10-20mm Plum Slate chippings, and this bit was 300mm x 150mm. I got the lads to cut it into 2 pieces 1/3 and 2/3. Then siliconed them together.

Anyway, The carbon is in now, hopefully to trap as many particles as it can (obviously they are not algae because the UV is on 24/7) So in 2 days out will come the carbon and maybe we can see through the tank again!

I am rethinking the high light idea, and think I will make my own wooden hood or buy a luminaire 72W and fit the existing hood around it.

(Not as big a disaster as it looks hopefully)

Pic of front of the tank. picture doesn't show cloudy it really is (Notice 2 of my pitbull plecs at the front on the sand that have 'paired off' Hope they're not gay. lol. I want babies!!!

Shot from the side shows the cloudyness a bit better as well as the reflection form my curtain. lol

This is the top of the plum slate 'mountain' the bottom half is hidden by the plants unfortunately

And this is a shot from the side again bottom half blocked by plants

And finally this is a shot of the 8cm tall piece that is siliconed onto the front of the 20cm piece. (You cant se this bit for the plants in the tank pics) I siliconed it to give the mountain a sense of depth and also to make the footprint bigger so it didn't just topple over.

Oh forgot to add. The lights are out and CO2 disconnected during my 2 day 'siesta' period

Will come back with news of a hopefully clear tank again in 2 days time, and maybe I will have decided or already purchased the new lighting etc.

Anyone have any opinions on which glass/ceramic diffusor will work best with 2 Nutrafin kits feeding it?
After half a day of panic, a remarkable carbon+UV clean up job has happened and this has resulted in almost clear water again.

Therefore the CO2 is reconnected, and the lights are back on.

I can only assume that the cloudiness was due to the new slate mountain I put in, but at least it is OK again.

On the planning front, and after a lot of thinking about advice given to me in this journal and other threads and also from reading from oter's experiences I have decided to scale down my original lighting plans and am therefore going for the following:

3 x 24W T5 Luminaire giving 2.5WPG (If you count the tank capacity as 29G) or 2.75WPG (if you count the actual body oc water as 26G).

I think as a beginner this will be more than enough, and hopefully along with 2 x Nutrafin kits with bubble counter, ceramic diffuser (still open to advice on this) and also I think a CO2 monitor (The glass egg type) We will be able to contain the algae issue.

I think I'll still get the Tropica (not the Tropica+) that is for plants with a heavy fishload, and dose this as instructed on the pack, letting the fish waste, left over food and the TetraComplete provide anything thats missing.

We'll see where we are at this point and wether or not EI is a must etc.

I will take some proper pics when the cloudiness is completely gone. Leaving the carbon pad in for the mo tho.

3 x 24W T5 Luminaire giving 2.5WPG (If you count the tank capacity as 29G) or 2.75WPG (if you count the actual body oc water as 26G).

This should give you enough light to grow virtually anthing you want.

I think as a beginner this will be more than enough, and hopefully along with 2 x Nutrafin kits with bubble counter, ceramic diffuser (still open to advice on this) and also I think a CO2 monitor (The glass egg type) We will be able to contain the algae issue.

Regarding CO2 diffusion, this is designed specifically for DIY set ups:

As for using the egg shaped glass CO2 monitor, are you referring to the Boyu Type 2? I nearly bought one of these the other day for my next tank, but I wondered how I would empty it of old indicator liquid. The Type 1 needs to be shaked quite hard to empty the bulb, but the Type 2 looks more difficult to me. Still, it is a nice looking piece of glass.
Regarding CO2 diffusion, this is designed specifically for DIY set ups:

As for using the egg shaped glass CO2 monitor, are you referring to the Boyu Type 2? I nearly bought one of these the other day for my next tank, but I wondered how I would empty it of old indicator liquid. The Type 1 needs to be shaked quite hard to empty the bulb, but the Type 2 looks more difficult to me. Still, it is a nice looking piece of glass.

Thanks for trying to help Dave, but that diffusor says for tanks up to 20G and mine is 29G!!! Do you think it will make much difference? I was looking at this one

The Co2 monitor, yeah I was looking at the Boyu ones, didn't really think about access when changing the solution!! Maybe I should just buy one of the ones that fits into the airline on the way up the tube like this one?
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Thanks for trying to help Dave, but that diffusor says for tanks up to 20G and mine is 29G!!! Do you think it will make much difference? I was looking at this one

Sorry about that, I should have looked at your tank spec.

The Co2 monitor, yeah I was looking at the Boyu ones, didn't really think about access when changing the solution!! Maybe I should just buy one of the ones that fits into the airline on the way up the tube like this one?

Sorry again. When you said CO2 monitor I thought you meant the glass dropper used to measure the dissolved CO2 levels. The link you give is for a bubble counter and an NRV. I have that same one which I am not using just yet, but it will look nice when set up.
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Sorry again. When you said CO2 monitor I thought you meant the glass dropper used to measure the dissolved CO2 levels. The link you give is for a bubble counter and an NRV. I have that same one which I am not using just yet, but it will look nice when set up.

No need to say sorry on this one matey. I need all the help I can get. Does the link I have given not give the relevant info then, or should I get a drop checker instead?
Your link is to a bubble counter which helps you to judge the rate at which your CO2 is going in to the tank. You can also use it to judge by how much you are reducing or increasing CO2 injection in to your tank. That paricular one also comes with an NRV, which is an essential piece of kit, especially if you are using a solenoid.

I thought you were referring to these, which give an indication of the CO2 levels in your tank:
They are the ones I was looking at Dave, just the Aquatic Magic ones on ebay, but I guess if I buy a few items from AE like the tropica ferts and a bubble counter then the postage disappears and the price will work out the same

OK, 1 day after waking up to fish soup, the water is clear again, due to adding carbon to the filter. I don't know how this will have affected the 'nutrient balance' in the tank, but will be taking it out tomorrow, at which time I will start adding the ferts again.

Don't know what happened but at least its gone.

On the purchasing front. lol I have ordered the following plants, to replace the Elodia and Cabomba, and maybe the Bacopa Caroliana and Monnieri too (They are a little boring for my taste. lol)
Rotala Rotundifolia
Hygrophilia Thai Stricata
Ludwigia Repens
Cryptocoryne Balansea
Anubias Barteri ver Nana
Vallisinera Spirlais Leopard

I may also get some Alternatha Reinecki and Polysperma Rosanervig

I think you can all guess that its the jungle look I am after rather than a tidy uniform look, and I think that this will for me work out easier to maintain, than a tank that is supposed to look perfect. Also I think that these new plants are all low to medium light plants, and should therefore be OK in the light I currently have. and even better when I get my new lights sorted out.

Onto the Pics of the tank, not much change from last wek, a little more grwoth here and there, but still a 'mini' jungle


Thanks again for viewing, will update next weekend as usual, unless there are any more mishaps. lol


EDIT: I just bought this diffuser, bubble counter/stop valve and drop checker off ebay;rd=1&rd=1;rd=1&rd=1;rd=1&rd=1

And also am bidding on another Nutrafin kit. EDIT:Bought this as well now

I've also bought the Tropica Plant Ferts from AE

Just the lights to get now. getting excited again. rushing headlong into oblivion here but who cares, I'm happy. lol
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Just bought this to use as a stand. bargain at £45 inc delivery. Much prettier and sturdy than the chipboard veneered ones.;rd=1&rd=1

They have 2 more if anyone else likes it. Perfect for a 29G Tall.

Almost the perfect dimensions for my tank
I am going to brace the inside though and stain varnish it.
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Updated today and new plants are in. Yippee

Out has come the Elodia Densa, Blyxia Japonica and Cabomba, and now we have the list below (see plan for location)

1. Hygrophilya Polysperma 'Rosanervig'
2. Hygrophilya Polysperma (Unknown Sp)
3. Hygrophilya Thai Stricta
4. Giant Hygro
5. Cryptocoryne Balansae
6. Bacopa Monnieri
7. Bacopa Caroliana
8. Anubias Barteri v Nana
9. Anubias (Unknown Sp)
10. Echinodorus Belheri
11. Baby Tears
12. Ludwigia Repens
13. Valiiinseria Spiralis Leopard
14. Indian Fern
15. Myacca Fluviatalis
16. Java Fern
17. Cryptocoryne
There is also Riccia Fluitans and Dwarf Riccia floating on the surface.


As for pictures my Camera seems to get worse and worse, but I took a few anyway. It is water change day tomorrow and if this helps the pictures I'll replace the ones below

Full Frontal Shot

Arty Jimboo shot from left

Arty Jimboo shot from Right

I am still waiting for the drop checker, Bubble Counter and stop valve, and the rhinox 2000 diffuser, but have the 2 Nutrafin cannisters connected trialing the bubble rate, which is not stable yet because one cannister is still quite fresh.

Lights - I am still searching, but have bought an electronic 18W ballast so I can run the front T8 lamp with its Original Tropical (pink) lamp on its own and put a single 55W twin compact Daylight plus in the back giving me 73W which will make 2.8WPG.

Thanks for looking and as always comments and advice most welcome

Does noone read my journal anymore :(

shameless bump I suppose but I want to hear some advice or comments or even critisism.

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