Supercoley's First Planted Tank Adventure

That took some doing. Had to use Irfan to reduce them or I'd be her all night and 1 post would've been 4 pages. lol, but here goes. (I have tried to ID from plantgeek)

Left to right.

1. Bacopa Carolina

2. Elodia Densa

3. Blyxia Japonica

4. Myacca Fluviatilis

5. Giant Hygro (Hygrophila corymbosa v. 'Siamensis')

6. Bacopa Monnieri

7. Hygrophylia Polysperma (Unknown species)

8. Baby Tears

9. Rotala Macrandra

10. Echinodorus bleheri (paniculatus)

11. Cabomba Carolina

12. Anubias? (Unknown Species)

13. Indian Fern (from Voo)

14. Ludwigia (Unknown Species)

15. Cryptocoryn Wendtii (Brown)

16. Cypryus helferi

17. Aqua Fern? Removed now, non aquatic.

That took some work . lol
Hope you can help me, and any advice always welcome.
3 looks like Blyxia Japonica
7 Ludwigia acuarta ( strong light )
9 Im not sure but it requiers very strong light and C02, you can tell by the vivid red color.
10 Echinodorus sp
15 Cryptocoryn of some sort, hard to tell.
16 Cypryus helferi

Not sure all the pelling are correct.
I'll add those names to last post. Many Thanks

Since I put the plants in and did 50% water change in the process, its a mating frenzy in the tank.

Male Mollie is chasing all 3 female mollies and making the Betta jealous
The male Danio is chasing the 4 females all round the tank.
The glolights are taking it in turns. lol
Nice looking tank :) nice to see if with plenty of plants in it.

O sorry thought you knew, the anarchis is the plant in the back left corner, and the cambomba is in the back righ corner. Those are called stem plants, if you have any other that have those little stems at the bottom and not much of any roots plant them about an inch apart and sort of like this

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so they look thicker. You can leave the anarchis floating if you want and same witht the cambomba, not sure if you have any other stem plants if you can or not. Once they reach a desired height let them grow some more 4-6" then cut them off where you want them and replant the top part you cut off as it will grow again. The stem where you cut it off will grow side shoots that you can cut off and plant for more plants, sorry if you already knew this. Check out for plant ID's. The really tall plant on the left looks like jungle val and the small grassy type on the left almost looks like dwarf hairgrass but not sure, best to take a close up or two of each plant to help with IDing. :good:

I've been in and 'repositioned' the Anarchis and Cabomba as advised into formation. Thanks for the advice. I won't take pics as it only looks a little different, but hopefully they will grow better and cover up the equip. (Thats the plan anyway)
Number 9 is Rotala Macrandra, never tried to grow it, but it is pretty challenging to grow well, strong light is needed.
Its all looking pretty good.
Number 9 is Rotala Macrandra, never tried to grow it, but it is pretty challenging to grow well, strong light is needed.
Its all looking pretty good.

Hopefully with this plant being in the centre of the tank, It'll get as much light as it needs. Otherwise it'll flop and i'll have to put something else in. lol

Fingers crossed.
Almost 1 week in.

All plants have been ID'd now but I suspect some incorrectly. If anyone in the know can correct anything I would be eternally grateful. Otherwise thank you for all the IDers you know who you are.

The tank looks very different now as the faster growers have shot up in 6 days.

I have moved and seperated some of these and also moved some plants slightly to give them a little more room.

The Aqua Fern was binned the day after planting when I saw on plantgeek that it was non aquatic (Strange seeing the name is Aqua) and would rot in my tank.

I will take new pics tomorrow, so keep an eye out on the 'growing Jungle'

I am using the Aquatic Plantations 'Plant Boosta' home made fertilizer which doesn't list its contents (recipe) for obvious reasons
mainly because I saw it and also because it was cheap for the amount of days it will last. lol

I am using 1ml daily which is half the stated dose for my tank as it is quite heavily fish stocked and I don't want any overload. Also because I have TetraComplete Substrate under the sand there are a lot of nutrients already in there.

1ml daily = 100 days

Bye for now
Sounds like its coming along :) looking forward to seeing the new pics.

New pics as promised. 1 week after planting. you can see that I've already drastically changed the aquascape partly due to researching that certain plants needed better light or space, partly due to advice given about spacing of the plants, and partly due to not liking the way it was.

You'll have to forgive me if I call the plants by incorrect names, but these are the IDs that I have been given so far or have found on plantgeek/Tropica websites.

Full Tank today

You can see that I've moved what I think was Cypryus Helferi to the middle back, as I think it will do better there and also it looks good against the background with the spray bar blowing it about. Notice how the parts that reach the surface are going red under the brighter lights. Good or bad I don't know but it looks nice.

Left of tank

Here you can see that I've spaced out the Elodia Densa, Bacopa Carolina, Blyxia Japonica, Giant Hygro, Ludwigia Aquarta and Moneywort. I've managed to thread the moneywort and Ludwigia Aquarta in between the 2 pieces of wood. I also removed the Cutleaf Watermilfoil or Myacca Fluviatilis (whichever it is. lol to the right hand side of the tank to create some room here for the spacing, and also because it is not growing as fast as the others and was becoming even more hidden than last week when I put it there. Also the Elodia is now beginning to block out the view of the filter and heater.
You can just see the shape of 1 of the glolight tetras hiding at the bottom of the Elodia Densa and at the top of the tank you can see 1 black molly but if you look closely you can see the Zebra Danio Male chasing a female (blurs I know)

Right hand side.

Here you can see that it now looks a little bit bare. This is where the Cypryus Helferi was. I've moved the Carolina Farnwort to surround the UV sterilizer as it is a fast grower so I am told and hopefully it will block out the view of the UV. Only problem is that the UV isn't attached to a spray bar and the flow GENTLY moves the Carolia to the (I say gently because unlike the 3plus filter the powerhead on the UV is very small and doesn't put anywhere near the amount of water as the Fluval filter. After all it isn't in there as a filter, and needs the water to stay in there a little longer) The Boss Balloon Molly is refusing to acknowledge me here and has her nose in the air.

The CO2 is at the back here and 1 problem I've found is that 1 of my Danios keeps managing to get trapped behin the ladder, I don't know how because the gap is tiny but still. I am having to keep an eye on this.

The 'Central Plain'

This is my favourite shot. I've spaced the baby tears, Ludwigia Repens and Rotala Macrandra (I think this ID is wrong but will do for the purpose of describing it until I find out for sure) and they seem to be loving the extra light to their bottom leaves, as you can see from their colour. I've also created a wall to the right of the 'tree' with the Watermilfoil/Myacca which I quite like (Sorry Voo, the Indian Fern went because it was looking a little sickly due to me putting it in the wrong place and other plants starving it of light plus the black mollies seemd to decide it was their new favourite food and ravaged it) You can also see now the Cypryus Helferi in all its glory. The other thing I like is now that I've moved the dense planting from behind the bogwood cave, you can now see through it.

The Mystery Plant

I've called this plant Marble queen radican (Echinodorus cordifolius 'Tropica Marble Queen')? or Anubias barteri v. nana but I don't really think it is either. I can't find anything on the web with these shaped leaves that are red down the middle. I think it needs more light because it is starting to get holes in it and I haven't seen any snails. so unless the mollies have started on this one as well. I think it's one of those that are just hard to grow.

All in all I like the way it looks now apart from the right hand side, which I'm hopefully gonna get something else that grow quick (probably cuttings from the Elodia if it keeps growing at this rate) to fill out this side a little and complete the UVs disguise.

Will report back next week, with new piccys if there are any major changes.

Bye for now
Got 3 Pitbuls to keep the tank clean for me. My they are sweet little fish and good workers too. Take a look.




The Blyxia Japonica at the front is suffering a bit. probably due to the freshwater lamp being at the bak and the tropical at the front, so I have switched them and hopefull the extra light for this light demandingplant will help it perk up a little, also the red plant at the front, which someone Id'd as Roala Macrandra (I'm not so sure) was starting to yellow a little, so hopefully the light boost will also help this little baby.

Gonna get another Freshwater Lamp at the end of the month to replace the tropical (damn its only 2 weeks old) so that I get full light at the back as well.

The Elodia Densa on the left has gone from 8 inch cuttings to 18 inch surface touchers in 10 days. WOW what a fast plant. (This is also hiding my filter which was what I wanted) I wish the Cabomba on the right would grow as fast to hide the UV.

Paid for some Riccia Fluitans today which will be hairnetted to the top of the bogwood cave and should look the business, therefore quite urgently need the second freshwater to make dure this gets enough light.

Will add updated pics on Friday. The Jungle is starting to happen. Yippee
Looks good, wish I could get some pitbulls. Keep up the good work, I'll hold you to friday for the jungle d:D
Looks good, wish I could get some pitbulls. Keep up the good work, I'll hold you to friday for the jungle d:D

The pitbulls were only £30 inc. them being hand delivered to my door from a local supplier so not bad for about $42 total for all 3 or $14 each. Bargain.

Source for U.S Plecos (You probs already know of them but if not)
Ya got your pm, thanks, already have a BN so no room for them now, just wish I could have gotten some of those too. Will check with a lfs that's ordering me amano shrimp if I ever get them first.

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