Sunrise Guppy fin nipped will it grow back?


New Member
Nov 18, 2021
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United States
There was a fight in my quarantine tank and the middle of his tail has been bitten off. I will put my injured fish in a mesh breeder box but will he live? They are in quarantine with maracyn paracleanse ich x and salt in the water before being introduced to my main tank they have been just fine until today.
Why are you adding all those chemicals?
The only time you add medications is if the fish are actually sick.

The only medication you should do as a precaution is deworming fish in quarantine. If they have no other problems, don't add anything else.

If the fin doesn't get infected, it should grow back over the next month.
Why are you adding all those chemicals?
The only time you add medications is if the fish are actually sick.

The only medication you should do as a precaution is deworming fish in quarantine. If they have no other problems, don't add anything else.

If the fin doesn't get infected, it should grow back over the next month.
Should I do a water change? This is my first time using medication in quarantine tank they say it’s a preventative process to ensure the fish are healthy before adding them to the display tank
Sounds more like they wanted to sell you stuff than help the fish.

Any chemicals that get added to the water can harm the fish. Adding a combination of chemicals will do harm, and adding salt on top of that, can do serious long term damage to fish.

Maracyn is an anti-biotic and improper use and mis-use of anti-biotics has lead to drug resistant bacteria that kill birds, fish, people, animals and reptiles.
Anti-biotics should only be used as a last resort to treat known bacterial infections that have not responded to normal treatments.

If a shop is telling you to use anti-biotics in a quarantine tank with healthy fish, they are giving you bad information.
If the fish are looking healthy and not showing any signs of being sick, you could stop adding medications and do a huge water change and gravel clean each day for a week. This will remove the chemicals from the water and from the fish.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

If you have any concerns about any of the fish, post pictures and a short (1 minute) video of them and I will try to spot any health issues they might have.
You can upload videos to YouTube, then copy & paste the link here.

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