Sulking Sailfin Tang (zebrasoma Veliferum)


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
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I have currently had a sailfin at around 2 1/2" bought him 2 weeks ago, however I cannot get it to stop sulking. All day it just darts around the bottom of the tank and returns to his fav rock. I changed the rocks around and he still sourced out the same rock. He is feeding from nori seaweed from a clip, ie darting out and eating and darting back. All other fish in the tank are fine and also the water parameters are all v.good. The tank is 6 months old, the sailfin is housed with 3 blue/green chromis, a blue-checked goby and 2 tomato clown fishes (babies). Does anyone have any expierence with the Sailfin Tang, moreover a sulking sailfin? My only gues is that it is been induced via stress however I cannot eliminate what the stress is! Any suggestions;

Thankyou in advance,

tangs get stressed largely to the tank size they are kept in, whats the size of your tank? to be fair if he is eating well he may still be getting used to his enviroment.
Hi Guys/Gals,

Sorry for not stating the facts,

FO System - I cycled the tank with the 3 chromis on advice of the pet shop, I wish I had used LR now but never mind;

Jewel Rio 240
Temp: 25c Salinity: 1.024
Eheim Ecco canisteer filter
Vecton UV25
Maxi Protein Skimmer
All other standard Jewel kit

The tang is small 2 1/2" or so and is plump, should he be flying around the tank as stated in other posts?


check this site out your tank is wayyy too small for a start, i know he is only small but you should be aware that you will need to upgrade your tank soon.

i think you should just sit tight on it for now, if he is at least eating thats half way ok.
I'm sorry to be blunt but what Boshank has written is partial nonsense. I have seen many instances in which Tangs were kept in tanks that were "much too small for them" and have outlived the family dog. For instance a Naso literatus happily spending 13 years in a 55 gallon tank, and my Zebrasoma flavascens (Yellow Tang) spending eons in a 25 gallon tank before I bought him. He was thin from underfeeding, but he was perfect-finned, perfect-coloured, responsive (he begged me for food from the moment I first saw him) and disease free.

We need more information, Lavalamp, as there could be numerous afflictions effecting your Tang. Is there any spots/bumps on the fish, or is the tank in a "high traffic" area of your house (for example, an area that young children have taken a liking to stomping around in)? How much rock do you have, and are there plenty of hiding places for the Tang? Indeed, the condition he may be in probably has much more to do with external factors or lack of hiding places than it does tank size.

However Boshank is correct in the assumption that the fish will ultimately need a larger tank, of at least 90-120 gallons. They do grow quite large, though ones over 10'' are somewhat of a rarity. First focus on getting the Tang to top notch before worrying about a larger tank.


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