

Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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Hello there everyone!
I have here a juwel rekord 70

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.1(Lightest colour on my chart) to 0.3(next to lightest colour)
Nitrate around 10
pH 7.5 to 8.0
I was wondering if this would be suitable for a few corys,like sterbai,three-lined or panda? How many could i have if i was to have in there:5 neons,5 glowlights,3 guppies and a silver...and some shrimp?
Many Thanks
Anyone gonna reply? plz! ANd could i have a Leopard Frog Pleco o zebra pleco,they only get to 4 inches! :D
that gravel looks alittle sharp to me. corys dont like sharp gravel as it damages their barbels.

plus i would wait until nirAte and Ite and ammonia are all stable at 0 before you add anything to the tank.

If the gravel is smooth then thats fine, otherwise i would recommend against im afraid.
Hmmmmmmm,ill see.DO you think i can just get two,see how it goes then if alls well then get a few more? Anyway id only get two at a time as my tanks a fairly new setup and i dont want readings to shoot up!
My ammonias 0 and nitrite is near the 0 mark. How do you get nitrite and nitrate down?
Hmmmmmmm,ill see.DO you think i can just get two,see how it goes then if alls well then get a few more? Anyway id only get two at a time as my tanks a fairly new setup and i dont want readings to shoot up!
My ammonias 0 and nitrite is near the 0 mark. How do you get nitrite and nitrate down?

by watching your feeding program and not over feeding and keeping on top of your water changes and by making sure your filter is in tip top working order. TBH, your tank looks alittle cloudy from that pic... am i right in that?

And no, i wouldnt recommend only 2 to see how you go. Those 2 will be in so much trouble if they lose their barbels. They are used for hunting out food as well as breeding and it would be fair for them. some questions....

is the gravel sharp?

whats your husbandry like?

any chance of a few more pics of your tank?

sorry if any of that sounds negative, but im trying to be honest with you dude.

oh yeah and is that a bloody ipod in the bottom left of the pic LMAO!!
Yeah,im feeding the fish every other day at the mo. So yeah,i did a water change yesterday as the water was greeny(an algae bloom i think) and its alot clearer now.Ill go and do some pics now.
is the gravel sharp?It doesnt seem it to me,ill get a close up of a peace now

whats your husbandry like?What do you mean by this?

any chance of a few more pics of your tank?Yeah sure,ill do it now
Tank from front


From back


Hope this helps
ANd what do you mean by 'whats my husbandry like'?Is it how often i do water changes etc?
husbandry is weekly maintenance on the tank.

how often do you do it and how much water do you change etc

to me, i wouldnt put corys in with gravel that big.... cant really tell if its sharp or not but me personally, i wouldnt.
Well,i change it every week,usually 25%. I add the recommended amount of bacteria for my tank size. But,say if you get cloudy water or your nitrites go real high,and you do a 10% water change,do you add some bacteria in replace of the bacteria you took out?
What do you think about the gravel

How do you tell if its sharp,see if itr cuts your finger lol :hyper:
Ill give it a go with 2 and see what happens!

But i dont know what type! I like the sterbai,three-lined and the panda!Cant choose!

Next time i go to my LFS,where i bought the gravel,ill ask what they think
how do you mean you use bacteria? your not using bacterlife are you?

the only thing you need to add to tap water is something like Tap Safe or an equivalent.......

When i say sharp i mean not smooth LOL. if you will minature pebble like....
LOl.erm what i meant by bacteria stuff is the stuff you put in the tank to get the bacteria up etc.Like the stuff you use to cycle the tank.On the back it says for weekly maintenance add 10ml per 70 litres...

I use that nutrafin cycle stuff
Arent i supposed to use it? JUst for the cycling process,myLFS say to go by what it says on the back
i havent used a cycler since i sent up my first couple of tanks. i have always cloned after that and just used King British Tap Safe on every change since then.

Maybe, because you are using so much cycle with every change and its not an algae bloom but a bacteria bloom. Not sure though and im sure someone could possibly confirm that.

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