Suitable Powerhead?


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
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Hi there.

Currently contemplating the switch from tropical to marine so pricing things up. I have been lead to beleive that a marine tank requires a 20 x turnover, is this true?

I have a 330litre tank so would need 6600 lph of movement. I came across this power head, would it be any good?

I will buy 2 = 6000 lph

Plus my external Tetratec 1200 with phosphate remover and carbon. 7200.

Would this be okay?
I'm not familiar with that make of powerhead. But I've followed links to these power heads before and I'm not sure if the member ended up buying it. Or if they bought it, whether or not they liked it. Bear in mind, sometimes powerheads have an "advertised" power, but in reality, it's roughly half that. It looks like a good price to me, but it can also be cheap. I personally use Koralias, but I find that they follow this advertised power thing. They are at about 1/2 strength.

20x turnover is the standard recommendation. I don't think I have a tank that's at 20x, maybe my planted marine, but every other tank? Well over 20x in theory. Some are past 40x with no poor effects on fish and inverts.

Ahh I see, I may purchase them and see how they develop, for £11 its not like im losing a great deal. Thanks for the help :good:
just incase that fails you HERE is what i use :p theyre cheaper than top brands like koralia but ive not had a problem with mine.... you can see there are huge 1s that do the 6000lph you were after, but id rather have 2 smaller so you can put them either side of the tank, to make 2 flow streams rather than 1 huge stream lol
Ahh thanks people, will certainly look into both of them and report back with any fails or successes :good:

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