Suicidal or plain stupid fish

My Cat Loves to drink the Bettas Water. She Gives us an Evil Look at the same time, as to say "YEah and what ya gonna do". Now Mrs Red Always Swims Right Up to her and Flares and flares, Doesn't make any Difference to her she keeps on drinking the water. 1 day she is gonna take her or swat her.

Another Betta Has been a Jumper, I tried Keeping them in Those Small Pen Pals Tanks with the Lid. Now He kept jumping at the Hood, so I opened the Lid and He jumped Right out and Landed behind the set of drawers they are kept on.
I had to move all the bettas of the drawers an dput them on the floor and very quickly try to find him amongst all the cables and wires.
Ifound him, but forgot to wet my hands, so he stuck to my fingers. It was hit and Miss for a while he has grown back alot of finnage and has done suprisingly well.
Sorrell said:
Karrihug- How did your tank explode? :huh:
not really sure, we were all asleep and i woke up to a loud strange sound. jumped up and fell over my dog(he weighs 150) and ran out and there was a massive hole in the front of the tank. the glass was supposed to be tempered, but apparently wasn't. guess it was defective. still waiting for perfecto to make good on the promise to replace my carpet and pay me back the $500 bill from the electrician. don't know how to put a pic here, will post one in aquarium pics if anyone is interested.
oh dear theres a lot of depressed suicidal fishies out there - we had the classic yoyo who tried & tried & tried & really tried & finally made it up the filter outlet. :(
even worse we watched him for ages fighting against the current tail wiggling madly thinking 'ha silly fish - he'll never do it '(he was tiny) came back from holidays, yoyo awol, found the body in the filter a short time after -
well you live & learn, but he really learnt the hard way. :( :( :(
we also had an algae eating shrimp who 24hrs after we bought him & his pals decided he didnt fancy his new home, must have marched up a pipe, down the tank on the floor & was found crispy & dead the next day heading for our kitchen :( :( :X
I only had two fishes that tried to comit suicide and that was a rummy nose tetra (I kept the lid off for 5 hours and found him 5 days later...) and the other fish was a golden-algae eater (the water temperature was too high and he managed to squeeze through a gap on the side of the glass lid). Well these were all really my fault really so I try not to do anything stupid any more.
I had a huge gold Gourami which i loved but he kept trying to hide in a little cave i had for my bristlenose, it was a clay pot. The cave was quite small and i knew one day he would get stuck, As you have guessed he managed to get stuck one day while i was at work and i'd say he paniced because when i tried to get him out he was stuck and hard so that was the end of him the silly bugger.

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