Suicidal or plain stupid fish


Apr 29, 2004
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Somewhere not far from Sheffield
Okay i know this is out of character but its something ive always wondered about. I have, over the years, owned many fish, some of which can only be described as :stupid:
For instance the grand tale of the sword tail who repeatedly attempted to ram his head in the filter outlet pipe, the polypterus who attempted to eat an air stone and of course we cant forget the tyre track eel whos only goal in life was t escape and make its way to my dogs basket..........

well just wondering if any other people have had similar experiences.......
i used to have 4 moonlight gouramis until one managed to get itself stuck between a rock and the side of the tank while we were away and another flipped itself onto the glass ledge inside the tank - i thought there was one missing!
i had a female betta jump out of her tank... i was at school at this time and found her looking asthough she had been burnt alive :crazy: :(
from then on ive never left a tank without a lid
I had a Jack Dempsy commit suicide in the middle of the night. :-( Stupid me didnt close the hood. Or maybe he opened it. Either way I came down one morning to find it open, and poor jd laying on the floor.
I have a male Plakat betta, used to think he was female because of the length of his fins. Anyway, shortly after I got him I put him in a divided betta tank with two other males, one crowntail and one short fin veiltail.
I opened the lid to feed them and spooked the new one a little, he jumped clean out of the tank, hit the cabinet which the tank stands on and fell to the floor behind the cabinet. I had to get the hubby to move the cabinet so I could retrieve what I thought would be a dead betta. I was amazed to find it flip flapping around. I put him back in his part of the tank with a bit of stress coat and in time he was swimming around quite happily. I named him Kamikazee for obvious reasons. He has since jumped out of my fish net when I wanted to move him once, I just picked him up and placed him softly back in the tank.
Here is a pic of him (sorry about the quality)
Recently one of my Polka Dot loaches went missing...I found him 2 days later behind the tank, but CPR didn't help.

A few months earlier my biggest and most beautiful Blue Ram turned up, minus his head, near the cat box. Damn cat has learnt how to fish thru the opening in the lid!!!

Hmm. Suicide stories.

Okay, number one:

Fish the Goldfish: This fish was acquired at a carnval because I had crapping good aim and managed to get a ball into a fishbowl. So, home came fish. Fish then got a big tank to himself with one or two little companions, where he grew and grew... and grew for 8 years.

He was eatin' size, I tell ya. Anyway, his hood got left open one day, the cat jumped up, the fish jumped out.

Of COURSE the cat didn't even take a test nibble of the fish. But eh.

Tang, the tang: (Creative naming scheme, eh? When you own several hundred fish, you tend not to name them more than "breed, the breed ;p") Tang wiggled his way into a bad decoration and committed suicide that way. Poor Tang.

Then we have a Koi, who belonged to one of my mother's water gardens customer's. (This is why we had hundreds and hundreds of fish. We bred/sold them on top of having our own precious little babies...) This Koi, I dunno if he had a name, decided to leap from my mothers arms while he was being transferred while the pond was being cleaned.

He fell 5 feet, hit concrete. "Died". My mother gave the durned thing CPR. I kid you not.

The worst part is, it -worked-.

So he was an attempted suicide. He lived quite happily for a few more years after that incident.

Thats all the cool/major suicides. We have the standard "Playing with filter and decided to stick nose in it and get stuck" ones.

I have a cool rescue story, on a nicer note: Lucky the Eel. He used to be bait when my mother went fishing for stripped bass, but my mother brought him home in the eel bucket, since he was too scrawny to make good bait.

I found him outside (where my mother tends to forget they are there and they dry out when their water evaporates..) and I ran to daddy clinging the eel. >.>

So home came Lucky the Eel. He got his own ten gallon tank and grew to be 2 or so feet long, before he was released back into his natural habitat. ^_^

I once had a male black molly that would jump out of the tank if you'd walk too loudly by the tank. I would always put him back in the tank. Once I thought for sure he was dead, but when I picked him up, I quickly realized he was still alive! and placed him in the tank. He was out of the tank for a several hours as he was very dry.
One night, he must have jumped out and I didn't find him until he was all dried up and dead for sure. Poor little guy, I really liked him... :sad:
well first there is the night the 56 gal tank exploded. not fishes fault, but we had approx 35 fish on the floor, all over the place mixed with gravel and what not. rescued just about everybody, except for a couple of tetras we couldn't find. husband found them two weeks later in isreal on vacation :sick: . they had blown all the way across the room into his camera bag. thank god the cameras were out of the bag on charge that night.

then a week and half later the replacement tank sprung a leak. my pregnant mickey mouse platie(who lived through the fist ordeal) was in the breeder net. when i came down she had been high and dry for who knows how long, i picked her poor little lifeless body up and was headed to get rid of it and she started flopping around. tossed her back in the tank and then moved her and everyone else out and she is still doing just great. :wub:
Hey, i bought 2 guppies about a year ago. They were fine for a week. they then promptly caught whitespot and gave it to every other fis in the tank. And died. BOMBING RUN!
My mate had a goldfish which leapt out its bowl. normal i konw, but it stuck to the side of his fridge and he didn't find it untill the next day....
I had a swordtail years ago that would constantly jump out of the tank. He would jump out at the back of the hood where it was cut out for the filter and accessories. He jumped out 10 times before finally doing it one night while we were all sleeping, and of course, died on the carpet.
I've had many a fish jump out of the tank whilst being cleaned, most notoriously though my butterfly fish, which I'm sure could have been an olympic standard high jumper!

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