Suggestions For Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2005
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I have a tropical tank and was wondering if someone could give me an idea of something else i can put in.Looking for sumthing a little different if possible.Theres a list below of whats in there at the mo

Angel fish x2
Platies x6
Tetras x4 (not sure what kind)
Mollie x1 (male)
Betta x1 (male)
Ram x1
Bristlenoce catfish x1 (dont know if hes still alive)

All these fish get on really well was just possibly looking for something different
Any ideas?
I have a tropical tank and was wondering if someone could give me an idea of something else i can put in.Looking for sumthing a little different if possible.Theres a list below of whats in there at the mo

Angel fish x2
Platies x6
Tetras x4 (not sure what kind)
Mollie x1 (male)
Betta x1 (male)
Ram x1
Bristlenoce catfish x1 (dont know if hes still alive)

All these fish get on really well was just possibly looking for something different
Any ideas?

If you could tell people what size tank you have we will be able to help you out

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