Suffering With Current Heatwave!

My tank has been at around 82-84 F in the last month and a half and my fish are doing perfectly fine, not acting strange or anything, even my cories who I know like cooler temps
The one thing I did was to turn off the undergravel heating for the plants. It has helped a bit, but my temps have still been topping 30 C. So far no casaulties and fish seem to be fine.
Is anybody else suffering in the current heatwave as regards water temperature?? I have a Juwel Rio 180 and my heater is set to about 24c but the temperature is running at 28c!!!

My heater is set at 22 as our lounge gets quite warm anyway, and the temp in the tank is 30. So far I've been lucky, my tank finished cycling last week and I have 6 guppies which seem to be doing well. I leave the tank lid open for a few hours and have the fan blowing in that direction, and I have floated bags of ice cubes when it's been really hot. Like you say, in this heat the heater doesn't need to do any work :)

Having a fair bit of green algae at the moment too and with no algae eaters or bottom dwellers til the guppies have settled in probably isn't helping. My tank is nowhere near the window and doesn't actually get any direct sunlight, I only have the light on for 6 hours between 5pm and 11pm when it's cooled down a bit anyway.
i have a rio 125 which was reaching 32 last week but my dad has made me a ventilated hood and ive got a fan which blows on it. its not around 27 which is where it tends to stay.
Only this morning i'm thinking "bugger the heater's stuck on"....D'oh thanks guys reading this saved me a trip out!

I think its been said before but as long as the temp change isn't too sudden don't panic just make sure theres plenty of oxygen in the water

by the way my south american tank is loving it at 82, theres cardinals spawning everywhere and a major face off between my firemouth and angel as to who eats the eggs first!

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