Suffering With Current Heatwave!


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
Is anybody else suffering in the current heatwave as regards water temperature?? I have a Juwel Rio 180 and my heater is set to about 24c but the temperature is running at 28c!!!

I may try turning the heater down but I am sure it is down to the current temp and that my heater isn't having to do any work at all!!!

I have read that water holds it's temperature in aquriums very well due to covered tops etc so that would probably give a reason that it stays warm through the night. Any advice??
Open the top of the tank and have a fan blowing onto the surface if possible.

Some of my tanks have been pushing 32 C (90F) these past few weeks. And have lost a couple of small fish as a result :/
turning the heater down wont work as the thermostat means it willl be turned off anyway. I have the lid open on my tank to let the heat out (carefull if you have jumping fish). Also I'm keeping all the windows open in my room to keep a breeze coming through. The tanks still a bit warmer but is staying at about 28 when it should be 26
i was having the same problem with the heat and my tank, this is what i did.
i got a freezer bag and some ice cubes from the freezer, placed the ice cubes in the freezer bag and then lifted the lid on my tank and traped the top edge of the freezer bag with the lid and close to the inlet of my external filter thus the inlet water is cooled by the ice bag, also when i do this i find that most of my fish tend to swim close to the ice bag, temp is now keeped to around 80....... no loss of fish either ;)
hopw this helps.
If you have external filters put them in a bucket of cold water.

My tanks go over 30c and I have had no loses one day they went over 36c with no loses.

The other suggestiong are good except the ice as it's a sudden temp. change and doesn't last long.

I turned my heaters of about two weeks ago now and my temp in my tanks is still keeping at 81F. Keep my lids open it's well.

Sabby 8)
I've not had the lights on for the past week, that helps with the temp a little but all 3 are running at around 30C. I however am lucky as i live in Manchester (UK) and this good weather won't last long. :lol:
Mine have been 32 c for over a week, have only today come down to 28 c , And they are in the shade. I havent had any losses or upset at all,
I think as long as the changes are not sudden, then they should be ok.
plus its supposed to cooling down tomorrow, so I'm not too worried

A quick check yesterday showed my tank to be 82oF - I was a little concerned, but having read some of the temperatures of other peoples' tanks I think mine isn't doing too badly.
I keep my tank at the cooler end of my lounge, between two tall book cases so it is constantly shaded and gets no direct sunlight atall. I have kept the tank lights on for 11 hours a day because of the live plants in there, and so far the temperature has not got any higher than 82oF. And my fish seem quite happy and are still very active.
Like Ferris says though, this sort of weather in the UK never stays around very long!
My thermometer only goes up to 30, so i'm not sure on the correct temperature. my other tank is hanging around the 30c mark.
My tank is just below a window sill and with the windows open gets a gentle breeze
Doesnt help that the computer is on in the same room and that kicks out some heat too, making the room quite hot even on a cold day !!
I'm also suffering from green water (although it's a very pale green, and never gets any darker!!)

My angels like the extra warmth though. Haven't had any fish die on me yet (touch wood!!). Got one guppy about to give birth though, hope the heat wont affect her
I have my tank in the loft conversion and it gets really hot hope there. My temps have reached 35oC and I have had a good few loses (6 and couting).

I have raised the spay bar out of the water to ensure my oxyegen levels dont fall too much.

I am suffering greatly from the current heat wave, so I found that if left the lights off all day and for a few hours leave open the lid of the tank (heat rises).
My tanks set for 24 C but its hovering around 28 C right now, its not even in the sun. And i'm up in Scotland :crazy: . At night it cools to 26 C. My heater gets to take a holiday anyway :rolleyes: .

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