Sudden death


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2005
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I just got home from a movie, before I left I swear she was alive and I also hadn't noticed any problems with her. I came home and was going to feed her and then saw that she was floating on top. She shares a tank with two other bettas who seem fine but I'm going to move them out of that tank into seperate 1 G bowls and put some betta fix in with them. I think maybe she might have gotten popeye? her eyes were bulged out when I took her body from the tank, I hadn't noticed anything funny with her eyes before I found her dead. Is this common when a fish dies? or was it popeye? and if it is popeye what should I do for my other 2 bettas that shared her water? Also how would you go about cleaning up the tank so that when I put the fish back in they don't get the disease from the tank. just what I need at 1 am
What is the tank size? pH? Temp? Are the other girls acting funny?

No, it's not normal for a dead fishes' eyes to bulge... sounds like she had popeye. :(

:rip: little girl.
Tank size 5g, temp about 22 C, 1 normal, other hiding. Not sure on the PH. Emptying tank at the moment into a bucket that I don't use so that I don't infect my fish cleaning stuff and moving the two into their own 1 G bowls. I now have 3 sick bettas to look after. 1 had a bad encounter with a shark and then got a bit of fin rot or something and now 2 possibly might get popeye.
Well, it sounds like you're doing all you can. Just hope for the best... :/

And for the girl with rot, Wardleys' Promethyasul at a half-dose works well, as does Jungle Fungus Clear.

Hope they recover soon. :thumbs:

EDIT: I just re-read your post.... 22 degrees is a little low and could be causing stress which leads to illness. Do you have a heater?

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