Sudden Death Of Tiger Barbs.. Other Fish Following


New Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Hi There,

I have had 9 tigers barbs, 5 platys, and 6 assorted corydoras for 12 months now in my 125 litre tank. I recently moved house - 2 weeks ago today. I made sure I took a day out to move the tank - decanted half of the water, bagged up all bog wood, filter pads etc so they wouldn't dry out; and took the fish to a local aquarist who pumped the bags with oxygen ready for the 1 hour journey.

I added all the fish back into the tank and for 2 weeks now they have been acting totally normal, no issues with disease or aggression for example.

However, yesterday morning I noticed all the tiger barbs and a couple of the platys all at the top of the tank 'gasping'. Also, a few of my Peruvian gold cory's keep 'coming up for air' which is unusual as they normally hide under my bog wood. My filter is working fine, I immediately got it out and had a look inside but there is nothing wrong there.

I came home from work last night to find 2 tiger barbs dead and all other fish still 'gasping' at the top. I took the water to a local aquarist and there was nothing wrong, so I was advised to perform a water change - 30% with tap safe solution as instructed. BUT - woke up this morning and two more are dead - from what I can see, the behaviour of other fish is not changing so I am assuming the other barbs will follow and perhaps the platys :no:

Has anyone got any advice? I want to try and save my last troopers! Or at least learn for next time if I have missed anything....

Cheers - Sarah :/
Was there as major change in water chemistry between your old and new home?

What are you tetsing the water with, test strips or liquid teest kits?

Gasping at the surface suggests a toxin spike, I would be doing a ~95% water change (leaving just renough old water to cover the fish on the tank floor).
Was there as major change in water chemistry between your old and new home?

What are you tetsing the water with, test strips or liquid teest kits?

Gasping at the surface suggests a toxin spike, I would be doing a ~95% water change (leaving just renough old water to cover the fish on the tank floor).

I have only moved 50 miles away from my previous home - Annoyingly I shared a test kit at home so I don't have one at the moment (hence why I took it to the local aquarist) - they used liquid testing kit, I don't like to use strips.

Won't such a large water change send the levels in the tank completely off? I supposed not if I am using tap safe solution...

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