

Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
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i dont have any pics im just gonna say
my pair of bn plecostomus have hatched their first batch of fry :yahoo:
its pretty special seeings its my first and their first batch of bn fry
only problem is that their in a community tank and many have been picked off already
i hope a few survive
You may find a couple will make it I decided not to save my last batch as I had 2 batches that had really high survival rate so I had my work cut out finding homes for them so I left the BNs in my community tank to do their own thing. Last week during a routine filter clean I found 2 wrigglers hanging on the inside of the external filter outlet, they are almost 1 inch now and starting to be a bit braver finding the smallest hidey holes......My large community tank houses Bala Sharks, Clown Loaches and Angels who are voracious predators so I'm definitely keeping these survivors - Darwin would be proud.
I cant see why they would not make it unless you have really large fish in the tank once my bn young came out of the cave from absorbing the yoke, they were a fair size probably just under half inch in length and quite a sturdy fish. Obviously any fish a bit larger than livebearers are going to have a field day though
i have got mainly small fish in my tank the largest ive got is a silver shark, an incredibly huge columbian tetra and 3 blue panchax killifish but they hunt at the top (guppie fry a favorite) ill post updates about them every now and again
today i spotted around 6 as the female is only small their wasnt many eggs so around 14 -18 eggs would have been laid by her
i saw a guppie try to eat one but it couldnt fitit in its mouth and spat it out

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