Subtropical/Temperate stocking ideas

Your stocking is ok but don't get Barbs, Tetras or Danios that grow too large.
I dont have experience with the Barbs and Tetras that you chose.

Galaxy Danios are quite small and are not be suitable with the Tetras and Barbs tht you chose. They may get beaten up.

What temperature are you looking for?
Actually most fish have a range of temperature that they can take and most fish are comfortable at 26-27 degC.
Don't choose fish with extreme temperature where you can't find any compatible fish.

Here are some info about Pepper Cory.

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If you meant BA tetra they will destroy your plants. They would very easily fit CPD in their mouths. CPD are not really suitable tank mates for most of your suggestions and are best kept in a species only tank.
Pentazona looking like a better choice of barb and will appreciate some tannins in the water
Pentazona looking like a better choice of barb and will appreciate some tannins in the water

Yes, among the Barbs, the Five or Six Banded are the prettier one.

The Snakeskin Barbs are also very pretty.
They are quite calm fish and not nippy like the Tiger Barbs.
With either Pentazona or Rhombo/Snakeskin barbs, could someone please advise on the male/female ratio? Thanks

(Note to me Could mix with Black Widow Tetra?)
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I'm near to a point where I'll have two subtropical tanks setup (19-22C / 66-71F).
52g (100cm long) and
63g (120cm long) - both planted.

52g will have 12 c.paleatus and
63g will have 13 pethia pedamya

I'm sort of back to square one of this thread and looking for tank mates for the c.paleatus (and then the Odessa later on).

Does anyone have experience with Paradise fish? Are they essentially cold water gourami? I was thinking they could go in with the cories.
Tropco has Macropodus Opercularis on their site. Top temp showing Macropodus Opercularis on there and SF is 22C. (The 52g went up to 25C during the last heatwave).

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