Sub Forums


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
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middx heathrow
there seems to be more and more people keeping arowanas and stingrays these days and i was wondering if its good idea to set up a sub forum where we have galleries,species profiles and care tips and so on
just a idea :good:
I think it would be good to have lost of species photos and profiles, but there doesent seem to me to be so much traffic that it needs a new subforum. I agree that more and more people are getting in to them, but I think that maby waiting a few months to see if there becomes a "swarm" of threads, then making the subforums if nessicary.
I do like the idea however of having a pinned topic with just ray species photos and maby arowanas too.
I cant see there being enough traffic for there needing to be a new subforum just for rays and arowana's at this moment in time, although a predatory fish sub forum could work if there was enough call for it.
I was just going to comment on having a large predatory fish sub forum as well. I think it would be a good idea, however it may be difficult to determine the line between 'predatory' and 'not predatory'. However once that has been overcome I think it would be a good idea.
Oddballs institute? :shifty:

I personally meant having a predatory oddballs sub forum within the oddball section. I know there is already killifish there which would make it even more crowded but I have always been against the killi section anyway and a predatory sub forum is IMO much more worthy than killis but it's there now.

There is a large gap between the small gobies and the large rays and arowanas, and larger predators require much different and more advanced housing and care.

However my only concern would be that predators such as large catfish wouldn't be included :/ perhaps there is a way around this?
I was just going to comment on having a large predatory fish sub forum as well. I think it would be a good idea, however it may be difficult to determine the line between 'predatory' and 'not predatory'. However once that has been overcome I think it would be a good idea.

Predatory = consider adult fish to be the main part of their diet.
There are more people keeping ugppies... why not make a sub-forum for guppies?

Not being disrespectful, but I just don't seem to see the point of a aro/ray sub-forum. Seems like an ego-trip to me.
There are more people keeping ugppies... why not make a sub-forum for guppies?

Because keeping guppies isn't really that different to keeping the rest of the common livebearers.

I'm not a keeper of big predatory fish myself but I know that the bigger predatory fish in particular can require a completely different level of care than the community suited oddballs.
maybe the lack of traffic is because predatory fish keepers find other forums to join and visit after comparing them to tff
That has long been the problem here, as soon as people start moving onto the more advanced fish they disapeer from TFF. Unfortunately without enough members supporting the idea new subforums wont get added, and if the members keep leaving there is no one to give support :/ There just arent enough of us when compared to other types of fish keepers.
Crack on with a puffer forum, plenty of posts all the time about puffers...
Crack on with a puffer forum, plenty of posts all the time about puffers...

I agree I see an awful lot of posts about puffers so they would really warrant there own forum. And also a predatory sub-forum is a good idea but I want make strong rules for fish that could be posted in there.
That has long been the problem here, as soon as people start moving onto the more advanced fish they disapeer from TFF. Unfortunately without enough members supporting the idea new subforums wont get added, and if the members keep leaving there is no one to give support :/ There just arent enough of us when compared to other types of fish keepers.
It's like a catch-22. Maybe a total revision of the oddballs institute is needed? Subforums for the killies, puffers, aros and stingrays? This revision may possibly keep those members from leaving.
If this did happen I should think the mods would have their hands full moving threads into the right place, then again, as most of you have said they're is a big difference between puffers, predatory oddballs and the standard-ish ones, just depends if actually think to post in the right place.
Hopefully I'll eventually get myself some rays, so theres another person who would use it. :good:

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