Stupid Me


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Just ordered a tetratec 300 air pump only to find that it doesnt come with tubes etc.

It's for a 260l tank and only want it as a precaution in a planted tank at night (dont even know if I'll use it yet).

I'm guessing basis piping from an aquatics store is fairly cheap but what should I attach it to, i.e stone?

Many Thanks
Very cheap, pennies even :) Dont have to go to a fish store, even places like Wilkinsons sell it in the pet section.
Great, thanks will pop down to wilko's then.

What's the best thing to do attach it to an air stone or can you just leave the tube in there?
best to have an airstone, as the bubbles coming from it are finer. if you dont have a airstone, it will just be huge bubbles coming from it. not very attractive at all. all you will basically need is a metre or so of airline and an airstone. :good:

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