I like plakats. I like bettas with less 'frilly' tails, to be honest. However, VTs were available when I had the money for VTs. Their personality certianly wasn't lacking. And since I had absolutely no intention to breed (still don't), and the simple desire to keep the healthy and happy, I bought whomever appealed to me.
The 10gal wasn't intended to be their ultimate home. I had intended to relocate Furin, the deceased betta, to my empty 5gal once it was done cycling.
I'm so tired of thinking on it, right now, that I am almost willing to let my fishy occupants slide at what I have right now.
:sigh: You know, just change the water of my remainingg betta, Sori, at tight little intervals and consider if he really enjoys a 'flare buddy', or if it's just some odd invention of my imagination.
I know I could have 'conditioned' him, as one would a betta for mating, for the 10gal. I honestly thought of it 2 weeks ago. I know I could have kept a tighter eye on him. I know I could have kept better meds on hand. I know I should have thought of the temperature difference ahead of time. I know I should have had backup plans.
It's... a shame he had to suffer for my lack of common sense.
He really did enjoy his tank, during those first few 'thrilling' hours. He had been so listless and silent, before then. To watch him swim around (in a state that was not panic), investigating and napping on top of plants... it was lovely, for me. If I ever introduce a betta to a simmilar situation, who is from a simmilar situation... I will keep a more vigilent eye on them. I'll make sure they get put in, on a 'Friday' night, and I have all the way until 'Monday' morning to observe them, instead of a paltry 36 hours. I'll make sure there is a heated tank to one side, just in case.
I think that made a big difference in his life.
I have five 1gal bowls with water, aging. I have one 2gal bowls with water, aging. But the temperature difference was so large... it was too large of a leap for a betta to go from 80F to 74F. I had foolishly thought that seeing him sitting on his anacharis, .5 inches away from the surface of the water, meant that he was 'resting' and 'getting well'.
Ah, I suppose, at this point, I'm merely berating myself. It's unslightly, but it is also a necessary learning tool, to a point. I am aware of that, and I'd like you to be aware, that he wasn't just "experiment 1A", for me, make sense?