So, my joy at seeing Furin in the 10gal was very shortlived. After a day of swimming and investigating, it seems that he exhausted himself and can no longer race around the tank.
Tank Specs:
I don't see any bleeding at the gills, or anything like that. He doesn't seem to be gasping anymore, but I do see his gills move. I turned on the bubbler, and he's reacting a little to the current. I do have a bacterial bloom in there (milky water), but I had read that it generally doesn't harm fish. The bacterial bloom began after I did my big water change at the very end of my fishless cycle.
I was shooting for 'easy to read', 'less essay-looking', and 'complete'.
- He was fine on day 1, quite frisky. Swimming all over, investigating, eating nematodes, hunting shrimp (he never did anything when he actually found them, honestly), and flaring at my ADFs... for about 8 seconds or so. He flared alot at Sori, who he can see sitting on my desk. I had to rearrange my desk so they couldn't see each other. He honestly seemed totally uneffected by ALL current in the tank.
- I have live hornwort in the tank, and it is tearing his finnage, I witnessed it happen, so his tail is a bit shreded. It seems to be healing very quickly, though.
- Day 2, he started to hide a bit, but I figured that was 'tank shock'. He spent a lot of time resting on a long stem of anacharis near the surface. Again, I figured he was just shy because the tank is so big.
- He got stuck on the intake on Day 2, for a few minutes. I noticed right away because I keep staring into the tank and counting occupants, I unplugged the filter and he eventually swam away, but he was definately shocked by it.
- I noticed today that he wasn't swimming anywhere, I figured that was shock again. I hand fed him his very first 3-4 frozen blood worms. Results were luke warm, they weren't pellet shaped and that confused him a tad.
- He got stuck on the intake on my filter again, this time for an unknown amount of time, possibly as long as 15 minutes, just today.
- He has been sitting on the bottom of the tank now for 20 minutes, and my filter is still unplugged. How long shall I let this continue before I relocate him to a bowl?
Tank Specs:
- 10 US gallons, moderately planted, bogwood, medium light.
- Tetra Whisper 10i, rated at 90gph, with the intake obstructed by a piece of bogwood, and a plastic curl obstructing the output.
- 80 F, constant
- My Ammonia and NitrItes are at 0ppm.
- My NitrAtes are 0<5ppm (I can't quite read the strip).
- Everyone else in the tank is cheerful.
I don't see any bleeding at the gills, or anything like that. He doesn't seem to be gasping anymore, but I do see his gills move. I turned on the bubbler, and he's reacting a little to the current. I do have a bacterial bloom in there (milky water), but I had read that it generally doesn't harm fish. The bacterial bloom began after I did my big water change at the very end of my fishless cycle.
I was shooting for 'easy to read', 'less essay-looking', and 'complete'.