Fish Fanatic
Hi! I have been noticing some strange behavior in one of my redcap orandas this past three or four days. They are in a 45 gallon tank, levels are ph 7.6, nitrates 5.0, nitrites 0, ammonia 0. I have two bil wheel filter systems, a underwater system and a bubble wand. My one oranda keeps going into the right corner by the filter and laying on its side at the surface. As soon as I approach the tank he starts swimming again. I see no visible problems, no red streaks, no white spots, nothing. On the outside it looks healthy, but I notice it swimms a little fast and darts around some. I also have a pearlscale and an orange oranda in this tank. (I know one fish to many, but at this point it doesn't seem an issue and there is still plenty of room. When they get a little bigger I will get a bigger tank) Any ideas what the problem is or is this normal behavior? THanks!