Stop Growing??


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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I have a 6-gallon tank with a Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami, male betta, Black Skirt Tetra, and a Red Wag Platy in it. I was wondering, after I have more room in my tank, would I be able to get a Pink Kissing Gourami?? I saw somewhere that they get 12 inches. So, I guess my question is....would it stop growing becuse it is in only a 6-gallon tank???

There's a chance that he will stop growing, but I think the question is that do you want to do that to the fish? The general rule for freshwater tanks is 1 inch of fish for each gallon. I think that if you have your heart set on a kissing gourami, you should upgrade your tank to allow a sufficient amount of space for each fish.

Thanks!! :D I just got that Black Skirt Tetra today as my last fish until one dies :( . I don't think I will get a Kissing Gourami because it can live in a bigger better place than my 6-gallon tank.
How's does the space in the tank limit the growth of the fish? :/ I always thought the growth of the fish has nothing to do with the space available to it.
tommy said:
How's does the space in the tank limit the growth of the fish? :/ I always thought the growth of the fish has nothing to do with the space available to it.
I'll copy/paste what I just replied with in another thread.
I am definately no expert and there are many people I've encountered over the years that don't agree with this or that think tank space does limit growth, so take this as it's meant-
Just one persons opinion in the hopes of helping. :)

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I think why some people believe the myth that fish don't outgrow their surroundings is because when put in undersized aquaria, they are usually subjected to terrible water paramaters which will stunt a fish's growth.

Not to mention make them more succeptable to disease from the stress and live a shorter life.

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