Stones from the beach

Stumbled on this vid which gives some good advice on this.. although means taking along some acid with you to the beach

Stumbled on this vid which gives some good advice on this.. although means taking along some acid with you to the beach

that is indeed very good, with one exception. never boil rocks, they can explode. And never use bleach as it may not always evaporate.

I do this much easier, I take my pail to the local landscape outlet and for 75 cents I choose a selection of river rock in various sizes. River rock is safe and it is natural.
Hm, I've heard of river rocks exploding in a campfire when the water in the cracks flashes into steam. If the fire is very hot, and the pressure builds up faster than it can escape, kaboom. I have a hard time thinking that a rock could heat up that fast in a pot of boiling water--the gradual heating would tend to give the pressure ample chance to escape. Not saying it couldn't happen, but it seems extremely unlikely.

However, I usually don't boil rocks or wood because most of my pieces are too big, and Mrs. Badger really hates it when I use her pans for that kind of stuff. I give them a good scrub with a wire brush and set them out on the south side of my house for a few days. The Wyoming sun takes care of the rest.

This is one music teacher's opinion. I am not a physicist, nor a hydrologist, nor do I play one on television. Ask your doctor if boiling rocks is right for you.

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