Stones From My Local River

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Peter C

Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Carlisle. England
when the river isnt 3 meters higher than it is normally and i wont get dragged in an die a horrible death, will i be ok using stones from the river for my tank?
I use flat stones from rivers and creeks in all my tanks. I scrub them and boil them first, never had any problems.
Here's the rock types for your area. Mostly to lookout for (not to use) oolite, sandstone, conglomerate, limestone.

You'll need to double check it isn't chalk or limestone to be on the safe side.
It should be okay to use some types of river stones, but make sure there isn't any algae growth on them, it could grow on your tank, and avoid rocks with a reddish tinge to it, this may mean iron, and it could poison your fish in high concentrations. Make sure there Is no river sediment in cracks. Bacteria could inhibit the soil. On top of everything, river stones are great decorations, but folloW the other info that other members provide, and good luck with your aquascaping!
Do be aware that technically you can be prosecuted for this, it is one thing taking an interesting pebble home, but something completely different taking home a builders bucket or two. If we all did this, imagine how it would change the river ecosystem, where animals use these nooks and crannies and the stones themselves for protection and food.
yeah, whilst i hear what N0body is saying, it should be fine.

TFF Rock link

this is a really good guide to rocks that we can and cant use. produced by and for this forum.
incidentally this member is still active, give him/her a pm.
Do be aware that technically you can be prosecuted for this, it is one thing taking an interesting pebble home, but something completely different taking home a builders bucket or two. If we all did this, imagine how it would change the river ecosystem, where animals use these nooks and crannies and the stones themselves for protection and food.

I'm only after 4 or 5 decent sized stones a bit bigger than a closed fist maybe. But cheers for the info

Any tests about that I should do with potential roks?

Boil, vinegar etc?

Edit: just read the TFF link, tests are all their!

boil rocks and see them explode in your face....not the best idea ;)
What have you been boiling Tizer? Rocks made of glass?
Trapped air in rocks, when heated expands and they either crack or happens, so anyone who suggests boiling rocks needs a slap.
It is actually the water trapped in the rock strata that causes them to shatter not air.

You can boil a rock (why you would want to is another matter) as long as the temperature rises slowly. It is the rapid heating that causes the explosive force, not that actual boiling of it. If you were too heat up a rock slowly the worst that would happen is that it would crack and fall apart.

Having said all that, there is NO reason to boil rocks. All you are trying to do is disinfect it so pouring boiling water over it (which may make it crack), immersing it in a chlorine bleach solution (will obviously need a very good wash before placing in tank but overdosing de-chlorinator will help) or otherwise disinfecting will do just as good a job if not better.
I think you will find trapped air causes a similar effect, daft to dismiss it. ;)
Air can be compressed much much more then water (when heated, things want to expand which causes the pressure build up). To get air hot enough to expand enough to break the rock it would have to reach way over 100 degrees Celsius, this is why rock will 'explode in an oven if it is bone dry.

It is impossible for the air to cause rock to 'explode' when boiling as the process of boiling involves immersing the rock in water and therefore any trapped air will be forced out and replaced with water.....ergo, it is the water that causes the rock to shatter, not the air.

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