stoners and fish stores

Hey there, you're right about being high and watching fish, actually, that's the best time to watch them. I wish I was right now, but instead, I spent all my money on fish this week, so I'm outta luck for now. until.........

haha only jokin. funny thread... :lol:
jeez, stoned fish owners!

I remember my cousin coming home from a party (stoned as usual) and he just sat infront of my tank and started drawing pictures of my fish! He then woke me up during the night and gave me the pictures as an 'early birthday present'.
Lights low, soothing music, a bit of the weed, a beer, my leather chair and my fish tanks. A fine combination if I do say so myself. Oh and a girlfriend who enjoys getting high and watching the fish as much as I do. lol
Some of you, in an increasingly sterile, paved world, just find a deep, simple comfort in having a home filled with life, be it fish, animal, or even plant.
This is so me. In my apartment i have 2 cats, a fishtank (well, plant tank atm), and enough terrestrial and epiphytic plants to start my own jungle. :flex:
jaimoe said:
Lights low, soothing music, a bit of the weed, a beer, my leather chair and my fish tanks. A fine combination if I do say so myself. Oh and a girlfriend who enjoys getting high and watching the fish as much as I do. lol
took the words right out of my mouth
Nuthin' wrong with pirates owning fish stores...... :rolleyes: :)
the pictures were ok, they were unusual though, i'll see if i can scan them and post them
My LFS isn't run by a stoner but a big boned old guy who emits interesting smells :sick: (trying to be polite :X ) but i am willing to put up with it as he knows his stuff and always has some really interesting fish in, think some of my best fish have come from his store. The stores I hate are where you are being served by a spotty teenager and they know nothing about fish and don't look after the fish properly and give the wrong advice, there have been times when I have given advice as I couldn't beleive what i was hearing! :grr:
Sounds like my ex. He always stares at fish, though is "no longer" a stoner, I sometimes wonder. He stares at them, laughs at dumbest things. And wanted to pet all the fish at Petco, had to keep him away from everything, he's like a little 2 yr old in a store. But yeah, he knows about 'special brownies'.... you should hear is idea of a Pot Roast. lol

Must be the colors and movement that excites a warped brain.
:rofl: :cool:

There is nothing wrong with stoner or stoners working in pet stores.

Im a nurse and im a stoner and into the fish big time.......

Just to put an end to the theory that stoners cant hold down a decent job :blink:

sharlene your ex does sound quite a bit like wwhen i take my 3 year old to the lfs. always grabbing her right before she pets the fish. lol

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