stoners and fish stores

Hi mrcrabbs :)

:lol: Thanks for starting such a funny thread! :lol:

IMHO, watching a nicely planted and well stocked tank is a wonderful thing to do when you have a nice little buzz going! But working would ruin the whole thing! ;)
I also talked to a guy on the phone that was on speed. because he would say YES YES YES THAT WOULD WORK. All hyper... what an interesting experience.
Wow, you guys don't get out much, do ya?



Some of you like fish because you're collectors, and love hunting for rare species or variants. Some of you love your fish as pets, and get emotional reward from taking care of them and talking to them. Some of you are driven by some competitive drive, and want the "best" possible tank to show off on the internet. Some of you just want a conversation piece that makes you look interesting and wealthy so you're a little more likely to be able to get into a gal's pants when she comes to see your place. Some of you love the creative potential a tank offers, and take pleasure in the artistic presentation of your decorations and fish. Some of you are fascinated with certain types of animal, and keep your fish as specimens. Some of you desire or place value in the traits of the fish that you keep ... pretty fish, or tough fish, you get the idea ... or very very expensive fish for people who want to be highly-sought after commodities themselves. Some of you have kids or don't have time and don't want to have to deal with a dog, so settle on fish as an easy pet. Some of you are kids who can't get other pets. Some of you, in an increasingly sterile, paved world, just find a deep, simple comfort in having a home filled with life, be it fish, animal, or even plant.

A LOT of you focus your nervous anxiety into the fish tank, and build all kinds of comforting, obsessive-compulsive control-junkie rituals up around your fish.

I'm OK with all of the above motivations, and, like most fish people, am at least a dabbler in more than one them.

Another reason some people like to keep fish is because they like to watch them. And this gets us back to the point of this post:

Stoners like fish because there are few things better to do while you're high than watch fish.

Some stoners like to think a lot while they're high, and in a fish tank, there's always some new metaphor waiting to be discovered/invented, always something interesting to observe as they interact with one another and their environment, always a "story" to invent on the fly as you watch them interact. Always good to ponder ... is there really any meaningful difference between the "play" of fish and human children, the formation of hierarchies in a new tank or a junior high school, the pair-bonding of fish and the true loves of mankind? What interesting, complex and yet beautifully simple correlations can be drawn between the world in the fish tank and the world at large ... and which of these might even be true? Or useful?

"Thinky" stoners like to find patterns in the noise of reality. They are able to do so more freely while high. A busy, visually-interesting, unstressed fish tank is a metaphor-mine, an almost limitless storybook, a pattern-generator ... just waiting to be tapped into by a stoned mind.

And stoners, of course, also like to chill out, to relax, to let go of thought as far as is possible while awake - to turn the volume down on the barrage of bull#### from all sources that vies for our conscious attention all day long every damn day of our lives.

And watching fish is quite relaxing, especially if you're prone to like watching fish, (as stoners certainly seem to be). See this link, for example; here's more info if you want to look into it.

OK, so many stoners like fish and watching fish, but why do they work at local fish stores? Well, stoners, in addition to enjoying fish, are also are unlikely to embrace conventional values about what society tells us is supposed to matter in life and career path. (This is the drug-induced psychological foundation for the "motivation deficiency" of stoners - as in Office Space : "I'm not lazy - I just don't care!")

So, it should come as no surprise that stoners are willing to work for little money while being surrounded by a fish-filled environment that they can enjoy, rather than being miserable their whole lives climbing the corporate ladder, or busting their balls and spending all thought and time on starting a business, or working on their appearance and stressing out trying to find a suitably high-ranking mate ... all just so they can afford to squeeze out some kids, and perpetuate the cycle.

This is why I think fish store workers are oftentimes stoners.

The End.
I was glad to find this thread as i thought i was the only one who felt this way. but let me say that in my experience from my day when i was a stoner all the people i was friends with that smoked had at least two fish tanks in there house. the gentle movement of the fish in the water and the lighting made for an amazing spectacle. everyone here can appreciate staring at their fish tanks sober for probably around 10 minutes or so, now imagine the people that are stoned. i also must say in their defense that i have never seen more knowledgeable people or cleaner, healthier environments for the fish to live. these tanks are spotless. and as far as the employees go that get stoned they are generally nicer than the employees that are not. in short i have had better luck with the stoners but maybe it is my area.
There are quite a few younger people on this forum and I don't think recommending that they smoke weed to make their fish more interesting is a good thing.
Please remember folks that pot/puff is illegal and its use has been linked to psychological problems. Tropical Fish Forums does not condone nor support its use in any way.
of all the things 2 talk about,
drugs on a fish forum, oh Lord

lets talk about the pirates instead,lol
wrs said:
OMG! my lfs has all stoners/hippies working there. wll i know 1 of thems gotta be 1, but the rest r just hippies, oh and theres a pirate working there 2
PIRATE!? Are you stoned?
nope, never or neveer will touch that kinda stuff. if ur in america and ever watched survivor, youll know who rupert is, and thats exactly what they guy looks like. if u were 2 see him ud think he was a pirate, just looks like a typical pirate steotype from the olden days.
[iv got a friend that got hes fish stoned ]

how on earth would you even go about doing that. i don't personally beleive you should get anything high that cant tell you that it wants to be but that is just strange.
noelberg said:
staring for long periods of time at the cardinals or geeking out over fish actions is a sure sign of being high.
I do that anyway and I have never touched, nor ever will, touch weed!

This has been a fabulous thread, really brightened up my evening! :lol:
Its a sad fact that fish stores pay such low wages that the only people who bother to apply for the jobs are normally the ones with no education and no hope of making anything of their lives (no offence to anyone who does choose to work for the low wages because of a true love of fish). I have enquired about job positions in a few of the local shops but none of them want to pay more than minimum wage (£4.30 a hour and less for a under 21 year old) and i like most people just couldnt afford to work for that money.

this is very wrong! some people work at a fish store because fish is their passion. Most people work part time just to get some extra cash. Although you do not really need education -- degree/certification from an institution, one needs fair knowledge and understanding about aquatic life. Ultimately, money is beside the point. For me, working at a fish store is a good opportunity to learn more about aquatic life and to apply what u already know.

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