hey, great to hear you're still adding the ammonia, so many people forget about that and don't realize that they don't have a cycled tank anymore. the good bacteria multiplies very quickly once it is established. so if you have a liquid test kit. add ammonia to the tank till you have about 5 ppm. (you can use the aquarium calculator at the top of the page to figure out approx. how much ammonia it should be)
dosing it to that amount will ensure you have enough of a biofilter to handle adding all your fish at once.
Lots of people say that honey gourami's and dwarf gouramis are very weak, and get disease easily. I have only had this problem though before i knew about cycling tanks. and usually all the fish died not just the gourami. so i'd say go for it.
the pygmy's would like a bigger group, 6-8. and their so tiny it won't make much of a difference to your bioload.
probably pass on the marble hatchet fish, they do best in a school. and also the gourami is primarily a top dwelling fish, and that's also where the hatchet fish would be. so personally, i'd say pass on them.