Stocking your fish emergency medicine cabinet...

This is an important issue, and a real sticking point for me.
There are many people who do not take this issue seriously, and do not deliver the respect that the animals deserve.
This is not something that should be done because you want to, for fun or as a first option.
This is a last option, to end suffering.
If you do not take the time to do it properly then do not do it at all.
If you go into the hobby expecting to kill fish, you shouldn't be in the hobby
I sadly, had to euthanize an entire tank full of female bettas due to Columnaris. Eleven fish in all. There was no choice. Their faces and bodies were being eaten away. It was horrible. The I was taught to mix the oil in tank water with a little vodka ( ethanol) in a small bottle and shake it well. It then comes out like milk. Place a drop at a time to sedate but not freak the fish out. They were gone within about 5 seconds. I then let them lay in the solution for 20 minutes and watched to be sure no gill movement.

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