Stocking The Tank

The brightly coloured danios - the neon coloured ones - are glo fish. These are genetically modified with jellyfish genes, and GM organisms are banned in the EU - we may have left but the law still stands. There are other species of glo fish now including white widow/skirt tetras and bettas. They are also illegal.

The tattooed and dyed fish tend to be pale coloured fish, and it is illegal to tattoo or dye them in the UK but not illegal to import fish tattooed/dyed elsewhere which is why you sometimes see them in shops.
Thankyou. Safe to say I certainly won’t be buying any coloured Danios.. wow
O oh .... I’ve discovered Silver Dollars... ?

What are thoughts on the following in a 117.90 gallon tank;

8 Veiltail Angels
6 Regular Silver Dollars
10 Diamond Tetra
8 Albino Corys

I’m aware that I’m purely going on aesthetics and loosely learning of compatibility at the moment. I’ve yet to look into water and food requirement compatibility etc. I’m just putting my feelers out to you guys as I go along and adapting as I go!
With cichlids, it is good to have a backup plan. If I did an angel only tank, I would get more than I wanted. Then you can remove any that are too bloodthirsty or relentlessly picked on. Most fish stores would take good sized angels that don't fit into hierarchy.
Yep, this is the majority of advice I’ve heard. Get more. Thin out as necessary. Apparently that’s a lot easier than trying to introduce new Angels to an established shoal. Thankyou.
It all really depends on the fish; you may happen to end up with the meanest most hateful angel that has ever swum the planet. Or maybe you'll end up with one that just wants to cuddle like a little puppy (well, ok, probably not, but you get what I mean). I agree it's best to get them smaller and maybe to get 1-2 more than what you want in case that first scenario happens. Regardless, I don't think you have much to worry about it sounds good to me.

If you want dither fish that stay with the colors you've picked you could try black neons, panda cories, or others like that. Maybe lampeye tetras? I don't know as much about those. You have plenty of flexibility. You're right that no tank will be the same as a river or lake so it's better to cater your tank to what you like and go from there. If the tank makes you happy and you're not torturing fish, it's perfect. In my opinion, there aren't many hard nos in the hobby (aside from rule number 1, betta fish aren't for tequila bottles).
Good luck! Keep us updated.
‘River or lake’ haha. Yes. Sorry. Not ocean! I was originally going to go Marine!
Your advice and kindness to my naivety is fab! Thankyou.
Plecos, on a whole, aren't great cleaners. They poo a lot, leave huge stringers all over your tank and are greedy little buttholes. Even the small ones. They're also very deceiving. Even a single bristlenose will need 20-30 gallons minimum, and bigger plecos like the common pleco or royal plecs need tanks that are upwards of 5ft. If you're after a cleaner fish, look elsewhere! Plecos poo more than they clean and they're very demanding! They need lots of space, usually driftwood/bogwood and lots of places to hide.

If you're looking for cleaners, I would recommend corydoras or a few loaches. Though I'm not completely sure on the compatibility of certain fish along with angels.

However, if you're just wanting bristlenoses because you like them, go for it! But beware of those little poop machines!!
True. They were recommended but I’m not keen on the fleshy nose! I like the Jiuli Corys.
I also discovered Silver Dollars last night ?

I haven’t looked too deeply into compatibility with behaviour, feeding, temp, PH etc yet, but what would be peoples opinions on this selection please?

8 Veil Tail Angelfish
6 Silver Dollars
10 Diamond Tetra
8 Jiuli Corys

(obviously my numbers might be wrong!)

The aesthetic of this and the size and swimming styles of these varieties really pleases me !

In a 117.90 gallon tank measuring 5ft wide, 2ft wide, 2ft high. 536 litres.
True. They were recommended but I’m not keen on the fleshy nose! I like the Jiuli Corys.
I also discovered Silver Dollars last night ?

I haven’t looked too deeply into compatibility with behaviour, feeding, temp, PH etc yet, but what would be peoples opinions on this selection please?

8 Veil Tail Angelfish
6 Silver Dollars
10 Diamond Tetra
8 Jiuli Corys

(obviously my numbers might be wrong!)

The aesthetic of this and the size and swimming styles of these varieties really pleases me !

In a 117.90 gallon tank measuring 5ft wide, 2ft wide, 2ft high. 536 litres.
From my dad's experience (not mine since I don't really like em), silver dollars can get pretty big, so I'd definitely keep that in mind if you're planning on getting those.

Not an expert on the rest, but I think julii corys are very cute... Don't forget how unbelievably vast corydoras are, though! There's some gorgeous (albeit quite expensive) ones such as gold lasers and c. eques. Panda corys are also pretty cute but I'd steer clear of those due to high rates of deformities and inbreeding.
O oh .... I’ve discovered Silver Dollars... ?

What are thoughts on the following in a 117.90 gallon tank;

8 Veiltail Angels
6 Regular Silver Dollars
10 Diamond Tetra
8 Albino Corys

I’m aware that I’m purely going on aesthetics and loosely learning of compatibility at the moment. I’ve yet to look into water and food requirement compatibility etc. I’m just putting my feelers out to you guys as I go along and adapting as I go!

No to Silver Dollars with angelfish, or Diamond Tetras. A group of Silver Dollars in place of the group of angelfish, but not both.

Compatibility/Temperament: This is a peaceful schooling fish growing to almost 6 inches in size. They have a tendency to consume several plants, mostly those with soft foliage as they are largely vegetarians by nature. They are shoaling fish and must be in a group, minimum six, and they should not be kept with fish that are smaller, as these will probably be eaten.

There are several distinct species within the genus Metynnis that are commonly called "Silver Dollar" fish. They all share a similar shape and silver colour, and similar behaviours, habits and requirements; the long adipose fin distinguishes these species from all other Serrasalmidae. The most commonly seen species is probably Metynnis hypsauchen, which attains six inches. Along with this species, the other most frequently encountered is M. argenteus. It reaches a length of 5 inches, and lacks the dark shoulder patch of M. hypsauchen. There is also a striped species and a spotted species.
You have two different threads in which the same questions are being asked. The problem with two is that not all members will see both, and you will not get as good advice if there are two paths, as it were, rather than one being followed. A moderator can close one thread or combine them.
Ah this is because I was chatting to someone and decided to ask as I’ve noticed he’s so knowledgable!

I’m not too sure of the the etiquette or navigation of the site forums yet. It’s pretty vast. So, forgive me anyone if I make errors .

I saw your post explaining that Silver Dollars and Angels should not be mixed. I’m getting very confused as there are videos and stories online of them living harmoniously side by side, in much smaller tanks than mine.
Ah this is because I was chatting to someone and decided to ask as I’ve noticed he’s so knowledgable!

I’m not too sure of the the etiquette or navigation of the site forums yet. It’s pretty vast. So, forgive me anyone if I make errors .

I saw your post explaining that Silver Dollars and Angels should not be mixed. I’m getting very confused as there are videos and stories online of them living harmoniously side by side, in much smaller tanks than mine.

This last issue comes up repeatedly in this hobby and on this forum...conflicting or differing advice on this or that. One must never assume anything on YouTube or similar sites has any merit, unless one knows the knowledge level of the individual. Sites like Seriously Fish, Planet Catfish, Corydoras World, Loaches Online, etc, are reliable when it comes to information about this or that fish species.
Silver Dollars and Angels should not be mixed. I suggest 8 Angelfish, 7 Peppered Corys, and 6 Yoyo Loaches. Fill with pure white sand, a large piece of spiderwood, a few white rocks and one black, 1 Anubias, 6 Anubias nana 'petite', and 1 hornwort. (maybe some kind of viney plant)

Big Anubias should be planted at the trunk of the spiderwood, and the anubias nana petite should be planted where the spiderwood branches meet the sand. Hornwort should be planted in the corner right next to the rocks, and some kind of viney plant should placed at the bottom of the spiderwood next to the anubias. Voila! How do you like my plan!

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